Isaac newton - apocalypticist

by Satanus 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Isaac newton was many things. He had one of the most intelligant and enquiring minds of the last century, imo. He was also very creative. He was into math, alchemy and also the bible. As usual, not everything a highly creative mind creates is useful.

    In connection w his bible studies, was 2060 as the end of the world:

    'Newton's theological and alchemical papers were kept from public scrutiny by the Portsmouth family until 1936, when they were sold at Sotheby's in London. The largest single collection of the theological papers was acquired by the Jewish scholar Abraham Shalom Ezekiel Yahuda. When he died in 1951, he left them to the newly-founded State of Israel. His will was contested and thus the manuscripts did not arrive in Israel until 1969, when they were brought to the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem. It was only after this point that scholars had access to this particular collection of papers. But the manuscripts were only conveniently accessible to scholars after the majority of Newton's scientific, administrative, theological and alchemical manuscripts were released on microfilm in 1991. Since 1991, there has been a revolution in Newton scholarship as the theological manuscripts began to be assessed in earnest by a small group of specialist scholars. A significant element of this revolution was the founding in 1998 of the Newton Project, based at Imperial College, London and the University of Cambridge. This project has already begun the process of transcribing Newton's unpublished theological manuscripts in order to make them accessible to the world. The BBC 2 documentary revealed to the wider public for the first time and in dramatic fashion the results of this recent revolution in the understanding of Newton's life works. The announcement about the 2060 date must be seen in this context.'


  • frankiespeakin

    Interesting even genuses can get stuck in an unproductive thought loop? May be the WT should used newtonian bible interpitations it gives them another 38 years of false predictions.

  • Satanus

    I wouldn't put it past the wt to use this, somehow.


  • jgnat

    Along the lines of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, it would be neat to transport Newton to our modern society. I think he would be astounded at our progress in some areas.

    He might even revisit his prediction.

  • Pterist

    In one manuscript from the early 1700s, Newton used the cryptic Book of Daniel to calculate the date for the Apocalypse, reaching the conclusion that the world would end no earlier than 2060. "It may end later, but I see no reason for its ending sooner," Newton wrote. However, he added, "This I mention not to assert when the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures of fanciful men who are frequently predicting the time of the end, and by doing so bring the sacred prophesies into discredit as often as their predictions fail."

  • Pterist

    Interesting reading ...

    Sir Isaac Newtons observations on Daniel and the Apocalypse.....

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Pterist nailed it. And it's a point I've used with JWs back when Watchtower crowed about how Newton didn't believe in the trinity and other church teachings, so he practically was an early member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and may be anointed. They've held him up as possibly being one of the "faithful slave class" that served as the unending chain of faithful believers from the first century down to Chuck Russell.

    I pointed out that Newton didn't believe like JWs at all. Wikipedia explains many of his beliefs. He was very much an "independent thinker" and had several crazy ideas. However, Newton's idea about 2060 was actually far less crazy than Chuck Russell's ideas about 1914. Apocolypic nutjobs like Russell were always convinced that the Big A was coming very soon, in their lives, and that they had been ordained by God to establish a religious business to rally the "saved" and collect their money. Newton didn't do that. He calculated the Big A into the distant future and didn't establish a religio-publishing corporation.

    Unfortunately, Newton got crazed with the alchemy and searched for an elixir of life. He probably died of mercury poisoning because of that. He should have spent that time correcting his theories on fluid dynamics.

  • prologos

    it helps to have some excentricity to enjoy life, newton had that, but the dead -end streets of his research should not be held against him. Keppler who laid the groundwork for his gravity laws also tried against odds or reality to obtain other planetary laws by fitting orbits into geometric figures.

    both Newton and Einstein used gods' name. details at


  • mP

    Its a shame Newton was more time on Revelation and Daniel instead of using his genius to giving the world more brilliant science. We could be a 100-200+ more into the future technology wise if this happened. There was only one god born on Xmas, and it was Newton, our saviour from the simple tehcnology and ignorance.

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