
by avengers 1 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • avengers

    I just received this from Jah Christian Group.
    Thought everyone might wanna see this.

    WEB-D WROTE REGARDING JEHOVAH'S WITNESS SUICIDES AROUND DETROIT: "I know of quite a few suicides. Some may not be directly related to WT, but all of these folks were JW's. All of these occurred in Michigan (the Detroit area) 1) Young Brother (22 yrs old) adopted by JW's committed suicide by hanging himself. 2) Brother approximatley 50 years old (was DF'd at the time) killed himself. He and his wife had divorced. They had one adult daughter. 3) Middle aged woman walked out into the water and drowned. It was said she could not take it any longer as her last child had been DF'd and could no longer talk to her. 4) Middle aged man (murder/suicide) killed wife, kids, then himself. I believe he had been recently DF'd when it happened." Write and tell us of JW suicides you may also know. Why publicise these thing? Because darkness flees light.

    SIMILARLY RICH FROM MICHIGAN WROTE ABOUT JW SUICIDES: "I was raised as a witness and was disfellowshipped in 1991 when I was 21 years old. In retrospect I remember the suicide of 3 people in the different congregations that I attended. I used to work with a man that is still a witness. 3 years ago he walked into his apartment to find his roommate had committed suicide. It was later revealed that his roommate was to be disfellowshipped the following Thursday.. The is a strong correlation between suicide and being DFed. When I was disfellowshipped I was suicidal. Although I never attempted any harm to myself I did struggle with the feelings and thoughts." Comments: Detroit is also in Michigan. Similar notations from different writers would seem to indicate a big problem there....Again, do you yourself also have things to relate. Let your light shine so bright that not even being in a basket can darken it, and let it shine it from the highest place you can!

    A FORMER SPECIAL PIONEER WROTE: "In answer to your question I personally know of one completed, two attempted. The two attempted were put in a mental facility. That's all I can remember for now." The writer also noted that while special pioneering s/he and his/her spouse "witnessed various events ranging from pedophilia, to persons being so abused and guilt ridden that they had to be placed into mental institutions." Comments: Hopefully they will share more such information. Let our lights shine!!!

  • Naeblis

    Another piece of journalistically sound reporting by the Jah Christian group. Next week, a friend of a friend swears a JW killed his friends dog. Full interview of the guy who once dated the person who may have saw the man/woman kill the dog! Get the scoop here!

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