Plants before insects?

by BU2B 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    Ok heres a thought I recently saw, and it floored me! Its something I amazingly never thought of, It seems to be hiding in plain sight.. as we know most if not all plants need insect pollination to live. Without ants, bees, flies etc.. pollinating them, they would not reproduce right?

    How do people explain that?

    For the record I do belive in a creator but this seems to be a flaw in the Genesis account..

    Also insects could not have come first because what would they eat? Any thoughts from both sides would be appreciated.

  • jgnat

    Here's some food for thought.

    Without insects, plants could still disperse their seeds, but not so far. Those that did manage to hitch a ride (at first accidental) were more efficient at survival. Evolution.

    Google coevolution.

  • Retrovirus

    Hi BU2B, It's all covered in jgnat's post - I'd just point out that since Gen 1 (animals before humans) and Gen 2 (Adam before animals) are contradictory it's a bit difficult to belive the "Genesis account"


  • snare&racket

    Have you read any of this yet BU2B ? May I humbly suggest that you start from scratch. Evolution wont make sense to you if you start in the middle and ask questions. I suggest you get a good textbook, Biology by Campbell and Reece is a good one. This way you are significantly less at risk for peoples bias. Some will withold information others may confuse you with misinformation, some may just not care to reply to your question. I am suggesing to you a source for information.

    I was a pioneer, a bethelite a serious JW. I left after examining the bible and science along with human history and figuring out what was true in my opinion according to the evidence. It was my life and future at stake and I trusted myself. Along the way I have spoken to so many people that rely so much on other peoples thoughts.

    So again, "Biology" by Campbell and Reece, if I had a spare edition I would send you it for you to read. It is a fantastic textbook that will explain everything to you and you can then decide what is true or not.

    If you want a book that simply explains the process of evolution with logic and analogies then I suggest " The Greatest Show on Earth" by R Dawkins.

    Just to give you an idea of where you are at, your question about insects and plants is akin to someone new to technology saying that printers and paper must have been designed because you cant use a printer without paper and what use is paper without a printer.. of course there is more to the story and more facts to be considered, just like your insect scernario. I assure you, we have the answers.

    Finally, it is very easy to say "God did it!" and read Genesis 1:1, whereas Astrophysics, biochemistry and biology cannot be summised in three words and read via a verse in under 4 seconds. Each speciality requires 3 years of higher education - just to grasp the basics!!!

    Evolutionary biology is a speciality of its own - combining biochemistry, anatomy, genetics, geology, paleontology, history and physics. When asking real and serious questions about biology (I am sincerely pleased you are asking btw!) you wont get short snappy answers and I am sure if you start in the middle with no background information, the answers we give you now will just give you more the moment. This is the situation i was in also. So I started from scratch. Science is a beautiful and open process, free for all to intepret however you wish. It is a long journey but an enlightening one. I thinl you will enjoy it, you seem very inquisitive.... expect long nights reading exciting science you wish you had known before... things we have known for hundreds of years....

    If you really want answers to abiogenesis and speciation, go to the evidence...

    Snare x

  • BU2B

    Thanks Jgnat and S+R you have given me something to consider and I will look into it for sure. :)

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