How Would "Who Is Candace Conti" Bumper-stickers go over?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    You think if I had a few hundred made up and passed them out, would we throw some attention in the "court of public opinion" on this topic?

    I am confounded how many JWs don't know anything about the Pedophile Issues plaguing the Watchtower Society! Is this a stupid idea or waste of money? I thought of creating some and posting them near sign post near Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls but I don't know if it would have the desired effect of helping bring awareness to this wicked problem.

  • mauiboy

    I had a similar idea of putting placards on bulletin boards around town. Also printing out some 1/2 page handouts for dubs who do street work. I suppose craigslist and any free bulletin type publications that offer space for a nominal fee (or free). Maybe an ad in the personals, or announcements "Alert to Jehovah's Witnesses: google or youtube 'Candace Conti' for timely information." Anything / something to turn attention to it. Bumper stickers might work but some sort of reference should be included about where to go for info. "got Candace Conti?? You tube has"......I dunno just an idea.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Hi mauiboy,

    The Congregation I stopped attending had a protector of pedophiles, anyone mentioning their sins was threatened with "Gossiping and Disfellowshiping" if caught talking about pedophiles who confessed of molesting a four year old girl and some little boys, big bad COBE promised "hell to pay!"

    I thought of a BillBoard but we need a Website that brings to light what the JW Elders did to Candace Conti.

  • mauiboy

    OK....I've been out for years so am not 'up' on lingo changes. COBE?? "curcuit overseer bad elder"?

    When someone makes those kind of threats, it would cause me to wonder if he was in on the pedophilia too? as far as your idea goes....try anything. Start small and go bigger if it doesn't work.

    My idea was to go to the media....I have a thread here about getting in touch with ABC's 20/20. Eventually if enough of us keep trying, it will catch some big-wigs eye and become an atomic issue.

    go for it, try anything......make some noise.

  • 144001

    <<<<You think if I had a few hundred made up and passed them out, would we throw some attention in the "court of public opinion" on this topic?>>>>

    The WTBTS is a despicable group of corporations that deserves whatever negatives, including dollars spent, public opinion, etc. that comes from the Conti case. However, the Conti case has a real victim; Candace Conti. While many may envy the substantial monetary award the jury gave to Candace Conti for the harm she suffered, NO money can erase the harm she has sustained and the stress and unhappiness she endured during the discovery process that preceded the trial, as well as the trial itself. She has more than earned anything she receives, and if she could rewrite history, I'm confident she would prefer that the abuse she suffered never occurred, over the prospect of enduring it and receiving a large judgment for the harm she sustained.

    If anyone is planning on using Conti's name to bash the WTBTS, or for any other purpose, the decent and legally prudent thing to do would be to get her approval first.

  • james_woods

    I agree with 144001 - this is a private matter for the Conti lady...nobody should be using her name for their own purposes without her permission.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    That's why I asked for input, she's a hero for standing up the the Goliath who refused to bring her justice. I do wish we could flush out some more of the old elders who are trying to muzzle anyone for talking about in-house pedophiles under their protection. I do not wish to drag her name around to get back at these bastards, she has the right to personal privacy and this subject is very delicate with victims. The Watchtower has failed to apologize for any wrongdoing, afraid lawsuits would pile up, so they deny knowing anything and write cheap letters like the 1997 POS.

    They are doing a poor job of keeping their eyes on these sex fiends who most Psychologist and Psychitrist say "never change". The Congregation had a picnic and the pedophiles were able to roam around without any elders keeping their eyes on this men. One might be a candidate according to the October Elder Body Letter "Supplemental Report" where it's clear that pedophiles who sinned long ago, might have built up a good reputation with the Congregation and the Elders and could "be used in the Hall again".

    The COBE I mention, his mother dated pedophiles when he was a child, I thought he would be as sick of them as I am, not! I could go into details but some things are best left unspoken.

  • 144001

    No worries, Trees of Arabia!

    The points you've expressed are certainly valid, and the WTBTS should pay dearly for the abuse of children. While the sexual abuse is the abuse that is actionable under law, there is a lot of other child abuse both encouraged and facilitated by the WTBTS that is not legally actionable, but should be. Abuse is abuse, whether legal or not. So I am encouraged when I see large judgments against the WTBTS, such as the one recently received by Ms. Conti. From my perspective, the substantial punitive damages award she received (i.e., the part of the judgment that is awarded solely to punish the perpetrator as opposed to compensating the plaintiff for the harm she sustained is referred to as "punitive damages") is in some way punishment to the WTBTS for some of the child abuse that they will never be legallly punished for.

  • Change Name
    Change Name

    Hi there

    I think it would be in poor taste.

    Would you endorse a bumper stick that would say "Who is Mark Allen Green?" or any number of other pedophile priests and pastors in the world?

  • Rattigan350

    What does Conti and her abuse have to do with the Watchtower?

    My understanding is that the congregation and by extension the Watchtower, did not inform her or her parents of an sex offender was in the congregation and she is blaming that for the harm. Harm can occur wherever.

    That does not make them liable anymore than is liable for screening people for background checks and telling members. There is this case of a woman suing over an assault.

    One commenter on the ABCnews site said"Still don't see how this is's fault. Meeting a stranger over the internet and bringing them in your house alone the second time you meet. Must be that Ivy league education. No common sense."

    Another said "My bet is the lawyer is planning on making money. Bad things happen, and we spend our time trying to blame other good people, instead of the evil ones. "

    Another commenter said "You have just as much of a chance of this happening at your local bar. I'm sorry for this woman. If you want a background check, get one before you go out! If they don't agree, don't go out. "

    Another said "Anyone that thinks this only happens online is crazy, you do not know anyone even if you met them standing in a grocery line, the only thing you know of them is their physical appearance, you have no clue if they are a serial rapist or is a risk everywhere you go and it is your personal responsibility to ensure your safety, meet at a public place...darn I would even tell them I was would be wearing outfit and change in case I don't like what I see....I can move along....this is the 21st century folks, no one will look out for have to be proactive. And yes, I have met people online, and my husband and I are a product of online dating so there are good stories out there. She is trying to make $$$$$ from this. "

    It all comes down to in any circumstances, there are good results and bad results and people should blame others for their lack of due diligence.

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