Watchtower CROSSWORD approach

by Terry 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    I think of knowledge as an orderly arrangement of facts with clear contexts and provisos for integration with circumstances.

    I think of ignorance the way I think of a crossword puzzle that isn't filled in because of some troublesome blank spaces and knotty clues.

    Sometimes you try to fit into the blanks a guess or two.

    But--it has to make sense (not only as a feasible answer to the clue, but also as a proper order of letters corresponding with the criss-cross of other filled-in spaces).

    Watchtower theology is a series of filled-in blanks that are guesses for their crossword puzzle-bible themed matrix.

    This and that seem to fit until the intersection of other KNOWN facts disqualify the guesses.

    The Watchtower approach, as it were, is to fill in the blanks with INK in utter confidence with no provision for error until that conclusion is inescapable.

    Then, while erasing a gaping hole in the crossword page, they flash a cheesy smile and tell you how eager they were to finish the puzzle.

  • hamsterbait

    Terry -

    You have just given us all the BEST way of seeing how the Witchtower has operated since its inception.

    GOD - I just want to print flyers of this one!!!!


  • Terry

    It is a real head scratcher to think that being eager for an event to happen is a really good excuse for publishing false dates worldwide AS THOUGH

    God were directing the effort!

    Recontext the intense and feverish preaching effort between 1968 leading up to 1975.

    Change it to being a business in charge of people's investments!

    Would it be okay to use words of certainty around....say...purchasing a stock with intensely convincing language?

    Then, when the stock crashes...shrugging it off with "We were really eager for you to make a lot of money!"

    The client/advisor realtionship is surrounded by many laws for a good reason.

    Pity you can't sue the Governing Body for false predictions. The are Brokers and Intermediators who PRETEND THEY HAVE INSIDE INFORMATION.

    Turns out---THEY DON'T!

    Yet, they get to continue misrepresenting the "source" of their inside information.

    IF the Watchower would just come right out and say THIS IS OUR BEST GUESS---it could be wrong...

    They sort of do.....but, bury their plausible deniability with strongly worded urging to act CERTAIN---and that is inexcusable.

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