Yellow...only the putrid shade of it

by freeflyingfaerie 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • freeflyingfaerie

    It is astounding that one can choose to block out factual and relevant information as if it doesn't exist. Just because it would make their current reality 'messy'. Making it all about outward apprearances. GET REAL.

    It does no good in the long run to ignore injustices and mistreatment of another. It is pure cowardice to pretend it never happened. I cannot respect this willful turning a blind eye to hurtful behaviours. I am disgusted.

    Now, how to go about showing any semblance of kindess to a yellow-bellied, dishonest being...that's the question.


  • palmtree67

    I'm out of the country or I would call you right now.

    ((( hug )))

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Thank you palmtree.

    I learned alot these past several weeks about someone.

    I feel like I disagree with just about everything this person stands for and is about.

    The voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

    Thankfully my living arrangements are temporary.

    In the near future this will be history.

    Then the said person can continue in their dilusional little world of make-believe and fakedom, and I won't be around to hear or see it.

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Life is forever humbling.

    I was carrying around this coldness towards her for two solid weeks.

    Decided that it isn't fair. It does no good to hold onto those feelings. It's too darn heavy.

    Took the advice of a dear friend.... Agree to Disagree... even on matters that can cut to the very core of me.

    I have my right to view things the way I do...and then so does she (even though she's so way off )

    Couldn't, just couldn't keep that up. Love always wins.

    Much better.

    The end.

  • Twitch

    "To thine own self be true"

  • freeflyingfaerie

    "To thine own self be true"

    Thine very thoughts exactly, tis quite good stuff that, really.

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