Message to Jehovah's Witnesses - Use what Jehovah gave you, a mind.

by MC RubberMallet 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    Allow me to start this message by saying I have NO animosity against any individual Jehovah's Witnesses. I was one for years, and I loved it. Some of my family is still in, and I make no attempt to 'destroy their faith'. My only goal is to help them to truly analyze their understanding and beliefs, because that is what Jehovah would want them to do with the brain He gave them. Often, there are mental roadblocks that prevent them from doing so, the same ones that prevented me from doing so, and prevented many on this board from doing so, until sometimes too late, that may be preventing you from learning truth also. I don't have answers, just my experience on what will help you to make a fair assessment of your religion/worldview.

    1) Get facts, be consistent with those facts - Simple, right? Not when one is limited in what they can read. Being a JW is not synonomous with facts, because your choices and understandings are pre-molded. You have to view facts in such a limited fashion. How? By only believing and accepting facts that gives credence to your beliefs.
    Science: You believe the sun is 93,000,000 miles from the sun, and that if a pinhead-sized piece was placed in a location, no one would be able to stand within 90 miles, right? Yes you believe it because nothing about those facts challenges your belief system. Well, the same sciences date humans on earth approx. 200,000 years ago. Do you believe that? You can't believe it, because it goes against your beliefs. It goes against your understanding of the Bible, even. Dismissing facts, while only accepting a select comfortable few makes it all pointless. You may say, "But science does not have all the answers, and sometimes they are wrong." I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. So why even trust science? Well, consider the scientists and engineers that pioneered cell phone technology, which allows your very voice to be transfered tens of thousands of miles in milliseconds. We deal with wireless and cellular technology so often we don't even think about all that is involved to make it work, work accurately, and so common. Now suppose you dropped a call. Would you conclude the science/engineering involved is now unreliable and a complete failure? That those involved making it work have no idea what they're doing? No! You would just redial the number to talk again. Just a minor blip. Science is not perfect, but it is a reliable means. If you believe cell phones work, it would make sense to understand why science would conclude a global flood could not have happened, amongst many other Biblical stories that shape your understanding. Be consistent.
    Religion: Being a JW, we are taught to research other religions in order to prove they are not being used by Jehovah. But we are taught to study WT publications with the purposeful intent of proving this is the only true religion. When we go into researching with such a bias, we cannot gather facts. Maybe we can, but we cannot process those facts fairly. How do you know the Bible is the word of God? How can you be sure the Hindu Vedas is not the word of God, which is centuries older than the completed Bible canon, and millenniums older than the New World Translation? What about other Holy Writ? What facts back up your beliefs? Saying, "Well, the Bible itself says it's the word of God" is not a fact. Any writing can, and do, admit that exact claim. Fact check into the exact history of the Bible, amongst other sacred texts, Jehovah's Witnesses, amongst other religions, Christianity, amongst other beliefs and philosophies. Evaluate everything you learn fairly and squarely. If you relied on only Catholic-approved material to study catholiscm, or mormon approved materials to study their religion, will you get a fair assessment? Why do the same with your religion? "Hey, I am a car salesman. Buy this car! It is expensive, but it's worth it. Don't read any bad reviews about me, too many people who don't want to see me do good. Only read what I have to save about my cars and business on the fliers I printed myself. Everything else is a half-truth, distortion, our outright lies!" With religion, your giving away your life, not just a few bucks. Why not use more caution? There was a man who was on the Governing Body who can give some factual insight that may be helpful.
    You will not learn everything about science, religion, history, etc. And don't stress yourself trying to. Have a broad foundation, though, to understand the world around you. But use critical thinking to make a solid opinion on what you learn, and be consistent with facts. Whatever you apply or dismiss, follow that across the board. It will really help you to learn. Fact check. Cross check. Don't believe something because it is in print. When you make your conclusions, put your own beliefs under the same scrutiny. When your grant something you believe some leniency, do the same with all other options. NO "buts"! NO excuses. Just facts. Do not follow no one else's conclusions. Gather facts, make your own conclusions.

    2) Don't assume - This was a particularly difficult one for me. I believed EVERYTHING the society wrote. Some things made me uneasy, but I believed and followed it nonetheless. The principles I was taught, to be honest, to have integrity, let go fear of men or losses, let go of pride, discharge my duties before Jehovah, to let love dominate me, I believed, even at personal sacrifice. I would have NEVER, EVER, believed the very ones teaching me these things would not be following it. I just knew those from whom this information originated from, where the pinnacle of every good thing taught, albeit imperfectly. Besides, I just knew in my heart they are not hypocrites! I was aware of imperfection amongst them, but they had the best of motives, and love was always at the forefront of all decisions. And that, combined with Holy Spirit, we have a win win! That is a basless assumption. And it will alter your perception of whatever facts you learn. At some points, you will have to cross 'T's and dot 'I's, but there should be some connecting links to do so accurately. Don't make assumptions from what you want to believe. That's dangerous.

    3) Let go of pride and face the facts, be honest - The GB has always categorized anyone who disagree with them 'prideful apostates'. How much pride does it take to be a Jehovah's Witness though?

    a) You have to convince people that they will die if they don't listen to you.
    b) You have to convince yourself everyone who does not agree with you is automatically wrong.
    c) You call your beliefs "the Truth", even when new light flashes and exposes any previous ideas as false. Additionally, any future new light will show your current ideas are false. But it's still the truth.
    d) Your are convinced Satan controls or influences everything and everyone but you.
    e) Scientific proof cannot even hold a candle to your teachings.

    How much pride does it take to be an apostate?
    a) You have your hard earned reputation and entire being summed up by the worst title possible.
    b) Because you don't scripturally can't agree with GB on some issues, so you must be disfellowshipped.
    c) Your entire life is scrapped because you've upheld your personal integrity, and obeyed God as ruler, rather than men.
    d) You have to admit to yourself, you were wrong about so many things. Some people have given ALL they could to being a JW. But when the issues are faced, they have go against it.
    e) Before you voice anything, you have a decision to make. And that choice is go to down the road less traveled, with all it's consquences. But you have done no wrong.

    Does it take more pride to be a Jehovah's Witness or 'apostate'?

    Once all pride and wishful assumptions are gone, you've gathered facts, assessed them, and are honest with those facts, it will open many different paths. But one thing I can assure you, you will no longer be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    For JWN members that read this, this is my final thread.

  • Larsinger58

    With all due respect, the context even a JW understands is that those in the field of "science" are often anti-Biblical and you have to step around their deceptions and ommissions to get to the truth. Case in point, the Exodus.

    Did it really happen? Is there any evidence of the Exodus? What kind of "evidence" would you be looking for? Well, first off, you'd have to determine precisely when the Exodus occurred and then look at what survives that is consistent with this incredible event affecting the entire nation. That's where the lies and deceptions come in. The academic world does not want to reveal when the Exodus took place so you can't then look closely for evidence of the Exodus. That is, the evidence shows an avoidance of linking the Exodus to when it actually occurred. Those doing so parade themselves as the "scientists" as much as the WTS parades itself as the "faithful and discreet slave," when both are questionable.

    To get to the point, after the 10 plauges the ruling pharaoh converted to yahwehism. That is, Akhenaten converted to monotheism in recognition of Yahweh, the monotheistic God would struck against Egypt with those ten plagues. Science? Science confirms the Exodus happens during the time of Akhenaten. How so? Archaeology! The fall of Jericho by Joshua is dated between 1350-1325 BCE by archaeologist Dame Kathleen Kenyon, the renown archaeologist who dug up Jericho. Using that, we can determine precisely which pharaohs were ruling 40 years earlier between 1390-1365 BCE. Who was that? None other than Amenhotep III and Akhenaten, not that "Amenophis" (Amenhotep) does not survive as the pharaoh of the Exodus in some secular references, such as Josephus/Manetho! So things should be simple from this point on, right? Science tells us when we should date the Exodus.

    Now this is a great opportunity with many details to check out with lots of potential contradictions. That is, the age of the pharaoh and the length of his rule has to match that of the Bible. Meaning? Meaning Moses left for 40 years and then returned to a different pharaoh. That pharaoh died in the Red Sea. Does that check out? YES! Amenhotep III ruled for less than 40 years and his mummy remains is consistent with a late embalming since special measures were taken for his embalming! Opps! What about what happened afterward? Well, what would one expect to happen if the 10 plagues really happened? What religious impact would be textbook for such a major, miraculous event? Well for one, one would think many would convert to the new living god since he proved the other gods false, right? That is, there should have been a major religious impact with a shift toward Yahweh/monotheism. Guess what? That is exactly what happened. After the 10 pllagues Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) converted to monotheism and started oppressing all the other false gods of Egypt. So the 10 plagues really happened. We have the science to support this and date the Exodus.

    But why are we not there academically. Because some "scientists" don't want you to link the Exodus to Akhenaten, which clearly shows the 10 plagues really happened!

    The true SCIENCE goes a step further! An eclipse event from Ugarit dates year 12 of Akhenaten to 1375 BCE which means his 1st year specifically would fall in 1386 BCE. That's the best direct means of dating the Exodus we have from SCIENCE! How does that compare to the Bible's date for the Exodus? Well, we can use 1947 to date the Exodus since the return of the Jews to their homeland is their 70th jubilee. Each jubilee period is 49 years and thus the 70th jubilee, marking their final return occurs from 1947-1996. 70 jubilees is a period of 3430 years. The Exodus is the first jubilee event for this period, that is, 49 years after this period begins. Do the math!

    70 x 49 = 3430

    3430 - 1996 = 1434 BCE + 1 = 1435 BCE

    Exodus is first jubilee, 49 years after this period begins: 1435 BCE - 49 = 1386 BCE

    So per the Bible's most direct dating of the Exodus based on 1947, we must date the Exodus to 1386 BCE, the very same date we get for the 1st of Akhenaten by an eclipse confirmation. The very same year!

    So you see, true SCIENCE confirms the Bible! But those in charge of "science" who are liars and anti-Biblical suppress this information. They do not want the Bible to be true.

    in the meantime, you are absolutely right. JWs are total hypocrits for using a double standard! They use the Bible to dissect the false teachings of Christendom, but will kick you out if you try to use the Bible to dissect what is false in the Watchtower. But even this article is presuming science and the Bible conflict, when, in fact, they do not. They might seem to when the science supporting the Bible is aggressively avoided or the facts are twised. But when you do your own critical researc, you find out that there is plenty of secular scientific confirmation of Bible history, even for incredible miraculous events as the Exodus!

    AKHENATEN converted to monotheism and thus Yahwehism after the 10 plagues. The entire nation of Egypt, thus started to worship Yahweh for a short period of time immediately after the Exodus, something we'd expect if the ten plagues actually occurred, which they did!

    Finally, another reason for believing the Bible over other relighious books is BIBLE PROPHECY. Once we see the Bible can predict the future and accurately, it increases are trust and confidence that God is real and that the Bible is true! Now note, I'm not saying to just accept the Bible's claims! I'm saying take those claims and test them! When we do, we get impressed at how accurate the Bible is.

    Just in passing, for instance, the Bible clearly predicts that during the end times, there would be a Leage of Nations followed by the United Nations. Even the WTS got that right! Also, the four beasts of Daniel, which occur at the same time, shows that at one point there would be just one great military superpower, which is what we are seeing now! So once you get the Bible's prpohecies correctly understood, which is available now, then it is clear the Bible is a book inspired by a powerful god who can tell the future!

    So while JWs are truly dishonest and sleep as far as dealing with the false prophet of the WTS, those promoting "science" as contradicting the Bible as false prpohets and propagandists as well. This means those truly wanting to believe the Bible have to get past the lies of the WTS and that of those claiming to speak of "science" and do you own research -- looking directly at the Bible and directly at the evidence, examining what everybody is claiming, both the so-called "scientists" and the WTS!

    Can the WTS be trusted? NO!

    Can "scientists" be trusted? NO!

    But by all means, use your MIND to check out the details yourself. Don't presume the WTS is honest and don't presume "scientists" are honest. Presume both are liars until proven otherwise! That's the safe way to deal with Biblical truth these days in an anti-Biblical, Satanic context. Satan uses false science to try to contradict the Bible. True science supports the Bible. Those wanting to believe the Bible have their work cut out for them, but when they make that effort, they are greatly rewarded wich confirmation, such as the wonderful evidence confirming the 10 plagues actually happened, causing the entire nation of Egypt to become monotheists!

  • Larsinger58

    YES! Use your mind to examine the WTS AND so-called scientists! Neither can be trusted! But God is real and the Bible is true.

  • Larsinger58

    You know, it is ironic, but basically I myself am part of the truth the Bible is true.

    Per the Bible, the 1st of Cyrus must occur in 455 BCE. This is an 82-year difference from the popular dating of the return from Babylon in 537 BCE, a date the WTS was duped into following because they believe all dates are false except 539 BCE, which they thought was a "pivotal date." They needed to question this date as well. Even so, when 455 BCE is the 1st of Cyrus, then the 70-year exile which begins in year 23 of Neb2 falls in 525 BCE. Thus the fall of Jerusalem originally fell in 529 BCE. That means the 2nd coming must occur in 1992.

    I'm direct proof of that. Since I became the Christ, I witnessed the second-coming first hand. I can give you the specific date too. It occurred between December 25 and 26 in 1992! I'm here! I'm the promised messiah. The prodigal son messiah. That's me.

    So for ME and those who studied the Bible to discover who to look for at the 2nd coming, Christ in the body of a gay black male, they have their faith confirmed by me. So you have a small group of people who KNOW the Bible is true and God is real. The rest of the world are in darkness, being deceived by pseudo-scientists or various false prophets, including the WTS!

    Problem is, the averae witness is incompetent when it comes to searching for Bible truth. They only know how to find things in the Watchtower, which is unfortunate. Now Jehovah has abandoned the GB as the "evil slave" but the average witness not only doesn't realize this, many whom I've tried to talk to don't care what the Bible says. All they want to do is follow the WTS. They think they found the true religion and now the WTS has become their "savior" and they are holding on fast. But they will be disappointed. They have built their house on the sand (Watchtower) rather than the Bible (bedrock). So now that all these challenges are coming down on them like a huge tsunami wave, their house will fall. But those who build their faith directly on the Bible can withstand these challenges!

    So, yes, THINK! But don't presume those claiming to represent "science" are any less of a false prophet than the WTS if they dare to challenge the Bible! The Bble is true and is a different book in a category of its own because of Bible prophecy! What other book can predict the future like the Bible does? None! So it deserves its special status. Only I'm not saying to believe the Bible without examination. The Bible PROVES ITSELF when examined critically and at that point we can have confidence. Yes, it takes "faith" and "hope" to go ahead and make that examination, but when we do, it rewards us. True science can often confirm the truth of the Bible. It's wonderful when you can accummulate the evidence from secular references that confirm the Bible!

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