Do False Teachers Encourage Bible Reading?

by GermanXJW 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GermanXJW

    April 1st, 2002 Watchtower reads on page 19:

    If Jehovah's organization knowingly endorsed false teachings, advice to read the Bible would never be given to Jehovah's Witnesses and those to whom they preach.

    That reminds me of the quote from GB-member Karl Klein:

    If you have a tendency towards 'apostasy', get a hobby and keep yourself busy to keep your mind off of it. Stay away from deep Bible study to determine meanings of the scriptures."
  • cellomould

    It's not Bible reading that's good for you, it's guilt from not reading your Bible!

    That way you can be manipulated.


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • hillary_step


    If Jehovah's organization knowingly endorsed false teachings, advice to read the Bible would never be given to Jehovah's Witnesses and those to whom they preach

    As ever, rather clever double-speak going on here.

    Clearly, the WTS has endorsed 'false teachings', often for many decades before they adjust them, but of course they are not 'false' if God allows them to teach these doctrines. This is called refining.

    Often the GB are fully aware that certain teachings are 'false', but continue endorsing them until it is 'due season' for them to be changed. This is normally when they can be introduced with the minimum amount of negative fallout both outside its Organization and within the congregations.

    What this makes them is trickier than a used car salesman with an alimony payment to meet.

    Vest regards - HS

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