Tom --- all shook up!

by Yadirf 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf

    The first image below is what little ole Yerry Pee ... er, I mean Jerry Lee ... er, I MEAN Tom, initially got so "all shook up" about. (Maybe he should be nicknamed Elvis, instead?) The funny thing is, it didn't even phase the recipient. Namely, Gwen (Somebody). Which FACT can be seen by clicking here >>>

    My comments which accompanied the second image (rather humorous) can be read by clicking here >>>

    For connivance sake ... er, I MEAN convenience sake here's the "before" and "after" shots of the sort of little things that Yerry Pee ... er, I mean Jerry Lee ... er, I MEAN Tom (dern it! I have a real problem gettin' that right) gets so "all shook up" over. (Of course I'm still waiting for Gwen's reply to the 2nd image, btw. I'm assuming she hasn't seen it yet?)





    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • JT

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.



    Since i have dogged you and poked fun at you my wife dogged me so I come back to say i apologize.

    (my wife is always getting on my case when i go off on folks- got to keep her off the net)

    since you are here out of voilation of wt rules then you might as well make use of the time you are here

    I notice that each time you post you include the ref to Dan 11:35- then you say that this must take place BVEFORE THE TIME OF THE END GETS UNDERWAY.

    now correct me if i am wrong-- are you saying that you DON'T agree with the slave's view that the TIME OF THE END HAS ALREADY begun?



  • Yadirf


    This thread isn't about ME, it's about Yerry Pee ... er, I mean Jerry Lee ... er, I MEAN Tom.

    Stop your trying to hijack my threads!


  • jerome

    You dont have time to respond to other posts but you have time to start another thread.

    Do you not want to respond to the other thread you started today?

    p.s sorry for hijacking your thread- peace

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • Yadirf


    Sometimes a person just has to stop what he's doing and go take care of other matters.

    I did have some more that I want to say to you in the other thread. My sleep pattern is all messed up because of my feet.

    Thanks for not trying to hijack this thread (you big prevaricator).



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