by ÁrbolesdeArabia 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I was told about this great place where each person is trying to acheive the same goal. On the Tuesday Meeting, we sat back and listened to the success story of our teacher. He has been following "the way" for close to twenty years, gained mastery over his unnatural desires and cravings. We watched a movie on how bad the World is for anyone wanting to acheive relative perfection in this world.

    The next visit I received a checkup, how many hours did you work towards your goal this week. The teacher took me in and I stood on their scales, "was I a good person this week?", "Did I do enough to receive the group's approval?" Dana was called to the front of our meeting, she was tempted by her relatives who wanted her to sin, with only her will-power and encouragement received from the Magazine, she set these saboteurs packing! We clapped hard, how could Dana stand up to the mine field our group is trying to avoid? Is Dana part of a special class of humans with stronger genes, or do we just suck and allow ourselves to succomb to temptations?

    The second month on Sunday, I forget to read a brochure I was suppose to share with our group. As I walked through the door, the group looked me over, I walked over to the scale again, "this time I received a smile from the teacher" I told my teacher, "I forgot to read the magazine, can someone else take over my part?" teacher say's "Sure, Fat Frank's been coming for fifteen years, he knows this material like the back of his hand!"

    Frank gave one hell of a part how we are bombarded everyday with temptations from Fast Food companies, but knowing your "point system" will prevent you from screwing up!" Frank has been going to weight watchers for fifteen years, he's put on weight, lost weight, put it back on, lost, ect.... Frank can tell you anything you need to know about dieting, he just can't live the life-style the Organization want's him to live. He feels guilty, weak, while other's hit their monthly goals, Frank is under the "national montly weight-loss average",. Some months Frank stop's attending meetings, the teacher /coach calls him up, "We really miss you Frank, you don't want to be irregular do you?" As part of a group effort, three of us stop by old Frank's house and cheer him up with a Tofu Salad, without the "Weight Watcher's Magazines" we fear he might make wrong decessions about his health, and starve!

    That reminds me, should I go to meeting tonight?

  • Honeybucket

    Id go to the weight watchers meeting... not the other one! starve!

  • biometrics

    One shuns food, the other shuns family.

    One counts calories, the other counts time.

    They both love your money.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I missed another Meeting, how disappointed the group is I don't value the "healthy teaching presented by the Organization", some look at me and wag their heads or point their fingers!

    The guilt of not meeting everyone's expectations is tearing me up inside, why am I such a failure? I keep up on all the lastest fads (teachings, doctrines, dogmas) and crazes Society has to offer, books like "How to live healthy in a World gone mad!".

    Now I am "irregular" and my coach no longers calls and checks up on me. Once I stopped making monthly payments (putting my membership on hold), the group stopped caring about me and my family. What happened to my friends here, the unconditional friends fighting the same fight? When my credit card number was changed (so they could not keep billing me), the group started to tell new members "look how sad he's become without us! See, you should never leave the group or you all will end up like him!" Oh the pain of guilt, why am I such a failure at life?

    Groups and Organizations are good at making you feel guilty? It pay's to make others feel terrible about themselves, and teach "you need us or failure (death at A) is waiting for you!

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