The internet as a means of circulating "spiritual food"?

by cedars 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    I've just finished adding an article to my blog entitled "Jehovah now uses the internet to dispense new spiritual food!"

    Here is the link...

    My article briefly explores some of the reasons why the "new light" on the Faithful Slave and the manner in which it was circulated marked a radical departure from how spiritual food is normally circulated to the rank and file. It also explains why the internet is inappropriate as a means of spreading new understandings of scripture, because many in developing lands still don't have internet access, and all should have an equal opportunity to receive spiritual "food at the proper time".

    I also explain why I think this whole incident has been a catastrophic error of judgment on the part of the Society that will enhance the credibility of unofficial JW websites in the minds of some thinking Witnesses.

    As always, I'd be interested in your thoughts!


  • trujw

    My question to you Cedar or anyone else is why? What are they trying to accomplish? The laughable lapper generation huh? Why not just leave it alone did anyone really question it 12 years after 1995 that was still in. Why not never mention it again. It seems like more than ever they need a freddie two shoes Franz. I have never seen a religion shoot its self in the foot so many times this last decade. Are they trying to look stupid? Did anyone inside really care so much about them that they HAD to change to FDS to start in 1919 not when Christ was around 2000 years ago!!!!!! The old light on many things was soooo much better. Now no 1935 either. If only they would pay me as a consultant I could really help out LOL. Anyways this has been a great 10 years for all of us on JWN Happy Thanks given to you all.

  • FadeToBlack

    Cedars, great article, nice site. First time visit today. I'll be back... Keep up the good work.

  • 00DAD

    trujw: Are they trying to look stupid?

    Nah, it just comes naturally!

  • Hermano

    Great article, as usual.

  • Satanus

    Taking the devils advocate position, if the internet helps jws w their religion, why should they desist from using it just cuz some other parts of the world don't have it, yet? I'm not projw, of course, and not trying to give you a hard time. I just wouldn't want an effective person to waste their energy on something. Most jws have or can get the internet. I realise that they were antiinternet for a while. But, that seems to be changing.


    Ps, no, i have not read your article.


    My question to you Cedar or anyone else is why?

    Why? They are faint out of fear, not knowing the way out. They are getting desperate in my opinion. They must use the internet because they cannot stop it. All they can do is intimidate the sheep into fearing any site but theirs. They are doing a fine job at that. Look for many DF'ings to come. Why? Brazen questioning of the SLAVE. I believe they know full well that they are losing their control over the sheep. What can they do except damage control? Cedars,I will read your article asap.

  • whathappened

    I subscribe to your jw struggle newsletter and was delighted to find it in my email this morning. I forwarded it to my nephew who hadn't really heard about this yet and he went nuts. He is calling his brother who is an elder and is going to express his schock at the governing body's presumptuous action.

  • cedars

    Thanks Satanus, I understand your point. I would say two things in response, (1) that the internet is a perfectly acceptable way to broadcast information if you don't have the luxury of being able to publish information in printed form around the world simultaneously. The Society has that ability, but chose not to use it. Only they will know the reasons, but I suspect it has something to do with the pomp and fanfare of making an "historic" announcement at a meeting, and seeing the looks on the brothers' faces for themselves. In short, they opted for ego-massaging over efficiency. (2) It's easy to say that the internet is widely available when you live in a country where wi-fi hotspots and broadband connections are everywhere. Many third world countries simply aren't like that, and even though internet is available to the wealthy etc, the poor (especially in remote, rural communities) still don't have access. Again, the Society had the opportunity to reach these brothers at the same time as everyone else, but chose not to use it. I personally think that's noteworthy and worth highlighting.

    DATA-DOG - in response to your question, I think there may well be an element of desperation in the hurried manner in which this "new understanding" was disseminated. However, as I've just said to Satanus, I think it has more to do with the appeal of making an announcement at a special event and being able to guage the reaction. If you print something in the Watchtower, you are able to reach everyone instantly but you don't see the response for yourself. You just hope it will be positive. A hand-picked audience of "exemplary" publishers is guaranteed to give you a positive response, and boost your ego.

    trujw - I agree with you! The Governing Body is its own worst enemy at the moment when it comes to making appalling decisions. The old FDS "understanding" was far more beneficial for them, because it gave them an albeit vague mandate to rule on behalf of an unidentified number of people. Now they have made themselves directly accountable. As Spiderman will tell you, with great power comes great responsibility!

    whathappened - wow, that's an interesting development. Please keep me updated!


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