My heart sings ...

by fulltimestudent 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    I've felt pressured the last 2 days - I'm writing an essay I've titled, Traditions in Conflict, The Persecution of Catholics in Nineteenth Century Choson (Korea) - (depressing subject, eh?). The right words have not been flowing easily. One problem is (I think) that I accumulated too much material. But, anyway that's not what I'm posting about.

    I bought a book last sunday at a remainder shop, only $50, over 700 pages - coffee table book size and heavy enough to break the average coffee table (grin). Its titled, The Art of East Asia, ( KONEMANN, tandem Verlag- 2006). And packed with wonderful illustrations. I brought it home, put it on a shelf for after I finished this essay.

    About 2 hours ago, with my brain log-jammed with thoughts about the essay, I stopped trying to write and opened the book. I've spent 2 hours looking at the wonderful illustrations and as this thread title says - my heart is suddenly singing. All the wonderful things that humans have painted, sculpted, built etc.** (Not just East Asia, of course - but Asia is the focus of my studies).

    Now I feel free to write - just wanted to tell someone else about it, so you guys copped it (haha). Life is suddenly blue-skied.

    ** If anyone else visits China, go see the museums in Shanghai and Suzhou - beautiful stuff. Have not been to the National collection in Beijing, but that probably beats all the others. And do not forget Japan, and Korea either.

  • jgnat
  • Hortensia

    xiaoyang is that you???


    I'm still following the gu kailai story in China, and thinking it's a pity I can't hear what xiaoyang would say about it all

  • LouBelle

    There are so many beautiful sites in this world. Amazing works of art, heart touching views, the joys of watching wild animals in their natural environment.

  • panhandlegirl

    Fulltimestudent, What exactly are you studying and what type of degree are you pursuing. Sounds interesting.

    When I was in school, I went to see 30 Centuries of Mexician Art. The paintings and scuptures were touring the US. I was overwhelmed with the beauty of the art.

    I could not believe how large the painting were. You're right about the wonderful things that humans can accomplish.


  • fulltimestudent


    I'm enrolled in a BA.

    I was encouraged to study by a friend who was a Lecturer (in a different field). We used to have a lot of free-ranging talks and one day he asked if I had a degree. Only a WT-BS (Watchtower degree in bull-sh*t). Anyway, he encouraged me to start to study. Thinking it over I liked the idea... so here I am.

    I knew absolutely nothing about universities or how its all organised. So I applied to a couple, got accepted by one - so that's where I go. Unfortunately, they don't have a specific Asian Studies program, so I will have to major in Ancient History. But, that's turned into an advantage, as I've been able to focus on West Asia in that part of my studies. I also found out that I could get permission to take study units at another University, so what my main University lacked, I could get at another university.

    Hopefully, at the end of 2013, I will have my BA, and an understanding of Asia, from past to present, from east to west, from north to south, from past to present.

    Then ... I can start to think about getting a firm hold on the rest of my life ... (sardonic smile)

  • fulltimestudent

    Hortensia/Aida - I'm so happy to see U. I'd never have guessed that Hortensia was U- you just do nto look like a Hortensia (Smile)

    Hey! I'll say it again - I'm so glad to find you again. The worst thing about the collapse of JWS was the suddeness. No time to say goodbye, get emails, etc.

    Anyway, hope all is well with you.

    Re, the Gu/Bo story, the only new thing (and, it was raised at the start of the story) is the claim that Heywood passed information to British Intelligence, which I presume you have seen. (I believe the WSJ carried that story first). Not sure if that makes him an agent, but maybe so.

    Problem is when a story appears, no matter what the source, its difficult to discern whether its fact or fiction. In addition to carry over info from cold war days, we now have the difficulty of writers presenting speculation as information.

    Though, I think its rather clear, that Bo was part of a faction that would like a more socialist inclination in modern China, as against the other view of those who want a more market oriented inclination. A good Buddhist (another smile) may say the middle road is best.

  • Hortensia

    well, JWS may be resurrected again some day. Who knows.

    we now have the difficulty of writers presenting speculation as information.

    Yes, the Nancy Grace school of investigative journalism.

    That's the difficulty of assessing news nowadays. Of course, I think the whole thing would make quite a book - not one I'm capable of writing, though. Maybe you ought to write it!

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