by ÁrbolesdeArabia 6 Replies latest social current

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    The Koch Brothers have made sure their fear tactics are in full swing, threatening their employees of the "dire America and layoffs that face their employees if Obama is re-elected!"

    The Bullies of Paper and Pulp laid off most of their Oregonian work-force, and hired them back at one-third their payrate. Republicans are bullies with the little guy, the same men who used Wall Street to fleece Teacher's Pension Funds, have no qualms telling laid-off employees how the "hatchet-man Mitten's is going to make things better!" Vegas and the Billionaire Casino owners threaten their min-wage employees, I love them!

  • designs

    Its that kind of an election year.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Murmering from Mitt Romney/ Paul Ryan's camp is now attacking Chris Christies candid remarks of "Obama being a great source of comfort and getting things done!"

    Christie is being called on for telling "Fock and Friends" with his "If you think this is about politics, you don't know me!". Christy is a big man and everyone in the Liberial side of the media has been saying "he did a Hell of a job!"

    Now "Fockers and Friends" and Romney camp are promising he is going to pay for his kind remarks about Obama's leadership with Sandy! What a crock!

  • designs

    Let's just hope Romney fades from memory after Tuesday.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I wish we could allow all the Romney fans to cash out their Social Security and Medicare and give them what they put into the system with the average rate of 10 year T-Bills over their period of employment! We could provide them with the "power of choice" to invest their Social Security and Medicare and they would not be allowed to get any other "entitlements" if they lost it all! That's it baby!

    Medicare we could refund all their Medicare payments, plus interest and let them take their "power of choice, self-made man money" and they could buy into the Private sector health Insurance at the fair market price. They don't want deals, so let them pay what a 65 year old should pay to Humana, Well Point, Kaiser, United Health, Aetna, AIG.

    we would have them tea-party guys screaming "Keep Government Out Of My Medicare and Social Security" famous T-bagger sign, how ironic!

  • designs

    Even Ron Paul keeps his Social Security and Federally paid Medical Plan.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    design's they love their Federal paid pensions for life as well! These guys are full of crap, once you pull Social Security, Federal "defined benefit pension plans" (Their plans) watch them cry.

    Ryan is going to be rich, he plans on making sure his deals with the Koch Devils will ensure him and his heirs fortune. That is why he can smile as he steals grandma's medicare plan, his kids won't have to worry about these trivial things. Money, health insurance, jobs, his kids will have jobs working for the Koch brothers as middle management or become career politicans like daddy-O.


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