CO from years ago

by z-monster 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • z-monster

    I haven't been to a KH in about 30 years. I had come across ISOCF at a time when I briefly considered going back, about 10 or so years ago.

    Anyway, Ray quotes a letter in chapter 7 from a CO that mentions that r&f witnesses would be expected to do more during the CO's visit. Thus feeling like an overwoked horse in a field. The letter was attributed to Wayne Cloutier. He was the CO where I lived at the time and down to this day, I remember him as a warm, soft-spoken man. I believe that he genuinely was a good guy. I also believe that the quotation in ISOCF shows that Wayne may have had some doubts.

    At one of the meetings (again, 30? years ago) it was announced that he would be leaving the circuit work. We were told for health reasons, and that he would be settling in with a congregation on Long Island.

    Does anyone know what happened to Wayne (I believe his wife's name was Geri)? Is he still alive and well? Is he still associated as a JW?


  • TweetieBird

    Sorry Z, never heard of him. What part of the country did he serve in?

  • cobaltcupcake

    Wow, that name sounds familiar! Was he from Maine, by any chance?

  • z-monster

    When I had met him, it was in the NYC area. I believe hed had served in New England prior to that. Again, this was in the late 1970's. I am probably wrong about his spouses name.

    Anyway, what made me bring this up was the announcement that he had left for "health reasons." After reading about his correspondence with Ray, the health thing doesn't quite seem true. We never saw Wayne again.

    He wasn't a hard-nose. Some of us believed that this "softening" was due to the failure of 1975 to materialize. I now believe that he was shoved to the side for failure to be a company man, I could be wrong

    Thanks again.

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