RunningMan Unmasked

by RunningMan 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    Well sort of.

    I have had another article published. It can be found at

    It can be found under the title "Bible Justice". For those of you who know me, you will notice that I have now joined the Jehovah's Witness relocation program. I am now writing under the name of "Ken Adams" (Joey Triviani's alter ego from "Friends") - at the request of my son.

    Now for the unmasked part. A picture of me has been posted under the section entitled "Staff". It can be found at

    Edit: I forgot to mention, there is also a bio:

  • Carmel

    Aw yes! How well I remember the Df' letter I recieved that quoted Duet. and Cor. that I should be stoned to death for my dissobedience to my parents..and best of all, they get to cast the first stones. Bet they're pissed off that the civil courts don't allow "God's" law to be administered.

    Shiver me timbers....


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Good article, Ken!

    Entrance into the assembly of the Lord was granted only to those with complete testicles. (Duet 23:1) Now, I will admit that keeping one's testicles in tact is a pursuit worthy of some attention, but I have to ask: What went on in the "assembly of the Lord" that required a complete and full set of testicles? And, since testicles are usually not on display, was there someone at the gate assigned to check?

    "Turn your head... cough... OK, otherside... cough"

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • LDH


    OUTSTANDING ARTICLE!!!!!! I sent the link to some friends.


  • Mark Liberator
    Mark Liberator

    I'm glad that The Liberator was able to provide a service for you and other people within this bulletin board. The Liberator is a free forum for freedom of speech. And it appears that others need to know the JW's position is on healthcare. I don't think I would be going out on a limb if I said that the JW has archaic views concerning healthcare, which stems from an irrational fixation on Bible fundamentalism.
    There should be more people like RunningMan who take a stand and expose problems in our society, dispite the personal risk he brings upon himself.

    This further tarnishes JW's, in that members cannot attempt to foster growth in their faith-groups wihout the fear of attaining banishment.

    'nuff said...

    Mark Liberator

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