There's as many inactive JW's as actives....

by TheApostleAK 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheApostleAK

    JoelBear said:

    The news report posted in the news section indicates about 1% of Americans identify as Jehovah's Witnesses, that is about 3 million just in the US. So even though they are inactive, 2 million people still adhere to the beliefs enough to identify it as their religious affiliation.
    In Australia we just had a consensus and the number of people in this country that say they're JW's is 95,000 (Can't remember the number exactly).....the only trouble is that there is only about 58,000 active JW's according to the WT....

    Anyone know their countries story??

    From AK


    The WTS counts numbers, those inactive just count their blessings.
    I sure do!


  • dungbeetle

    (((((((((((((((TheApostleAK ))))))))))

  • Simon

    I guess they are not as 'devoted' as they like to think then ...

    It's amazing how the same statistics can be used depending on your point of view if you imply motives

    For instance, they get, what, about 14 / 15 million to the memorial?

    Membership is 6 million so they have a lot of interest ... right?

    (their spin on it)

    Look at it another way though and actually look round the hall at a memorial and you see that a lot of those there are not 'interested ones' but ex-members taking advantage of their chance to see their old friends (and maybe hedging their bets), people on their way out who still attend this meeting as it's the real important one etc ...

    This could indicate that their are more ex's than their are current members.

    When I was a JW I always had the impression that the 6 million meant the 4 million from a few years ago plus another 2 million had joined when it is probably more like 3 million joined and a million left ... there is definitely a 'churn' rate as people join and leave.

  • ozziepost

    So, ApostleAK, in the Great Southern Land we had a "consensus" did we?

    Not quite what Johnnie Howard had in mind, I suspect.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • NotBlind

    Perhaps the JW's will take a hint from the Freemasons and have 'degrees' of service.

    Half-degree JW - Only hates JW's mildly
    1st degree JW - Takes the mags
    2nd degree JW - Return visit/ Bible Study
    3rd degree JW - Unbaptized pub
    4th degree JW - Inactive
    5th degree JW - Apostate / JWD Visitor
    6th degree JW - Baptized Newbie
    7th degree JW - Pioneer
    8th degree JW - MS
    9th degree JW - Elder
    10th degree JW - CO/DO
    11th degree JW - GB/Christ/God/Branch Overseer/Bethelite

    This way, if they count all degrees, they can count just about EVERYONE!!!

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