Do You do Links

by Satanus 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    When people start threads by posting a link such as youtube or news, do you go there to see what they want you to see? Or, would you prefer that they ran a short intro or summary for you? Do you think that there is laziness on one side or the other?

    For myself, i generally don't do a link, unless it's about a subject in which i'm really interested.


  • Black Sheep
  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition
    For myself, i generally don't do a link, unless it's about a subject in which i'm really interested.

    As far as laziness, it goes both ways. There's times I'm out and about and may post on my Tab which for the life of me I'm yet to figure how to post a hyperlink, or youtube, etc.. So I may just post whatever and hope someone does the rest for me. On subjects that aren't really up my alley, I don't really care if the post a link or not. Although a short summary with the link available in case I want to do some fact checking is appreciated.

  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    I hate links, especially videos. A summary takes seconds to read, but you may spend minutes trying to watch a video before even getting to the point. Plus, at least a summary helps to start the discussion about the link instead of just throwing it out there.

  • Satanus

    Shameless bttt self promotion. I wanna be elite, i do, i do, i do!


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Hey Miz, the following link may help you to post hyperlinks. It's meant for an iPad or iPhone but may work for other tablets and phones too.

    It's worth a shot.

    Check out Clickable Hyperlinks


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'm glad to see you gave a short description of what your link is

    For the record...if I open a thread with a utube vid or link I do like to have a bit of a run down on what the video or link is about. Otherwise why will I watch it?

    I do watch videos posted if they get my interest or if they are related to the topic being discussed and someone recommends it. And if it's not too long.

    And I have saved some of the longer ones to watch later.

  • AudeSapere

    I try to do a brief summary, provide the link to the document, and, if it is an article on a different website that may not be valid after some time has passed, I will also cut and paste the pertinent information (in context).

    I always like when people provide summaries (one or two sentences) so I can make a decision to take time or not. I pick and choose which threads I read here.


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