Stephen hawkings "Did God creat the universe?"

by dm6 3 Replies latest social entertainment

  • dm6

    Found this to be a very interesting watch.

    Watch with an open mind if you are still religious in anyway.

  • panhandlegirl

    It is quite an interesting idea.Do you think this means that humans could, at sometime, destroy the earth through a nuclear war? Does this mean that at some time our universe will, or could, collapse into a black hole? This idea makes, to me, life more fragile. I also wonder how the laws of nature can be so intelligent. I did enjoy the video and found it very informative. Thanks for posting.

  • braincleaned

    I've watched this a few times - in awe - but suspending my judgement on the "nothing" part. Not only thru my research am I skeptic of "nothing" having ever existed (cf. Laurence Krauss), but I keep on wondering if the Big Bang, ours, is just one of an infinity of Big Bangs - as if Nature breaths in and out.
    This said, this is one of my favorite of Hawkin's series!

    A lot to consider. I'm facinated with QM. Here's my latest note, as a layman, on the subject:

    " I'm not a scientist, nor do I have a special understanding of quantum physics - quite the contrary; the more I read and study about it, the more it get's confusing to me. I'm just a friggin' artist for crying out loud!

    However - I think. I also fight my bias.

    I'm a seeker of Truth - at least bits of it, as we all die more ignorant than knowledgable. In view of that, every nugget of discovered truth is wonderfully precious.

    The science of quantum physics is there, albeit still in it's infancy. And there is already talk about Quantum Computers in less that 10 years from now. Consequently, it would be silly to ignore where we are going with this.

    I've wrote many times that my atheism is not narrowed to materialism. I don't believe that everything is reducible to matter, and I'm quite aware that I can't disprove the possibility of intelligence, and even a certain form of purpose for/in/by the Universe. I think it would be intellectually obtuse to reject the possibility of god-like intelligence in the Universe - I just have reasons to dismiss the very human-like gods of our superstitions and age-old religions. (I must be extremely prudent in using such a loaded word as "god" when attributing it to the workings of nature.)

    I repeat to be clear; I just have reasons to dismiss the very human-like gods of our superstitions and age-old religions. Science and logic has debunked way too much of it.

    What blows my mind is what has been discovered thru Quantum Mechanics so far. QM has a mind of it's own. It's the weirdest thing. It opens the floodgates of important questions, that may finally address the idea of design.

    Thru QM, we now see evidence that there has never been "nothing". On that note, theists should be careful with their sarcasm when they mockingly state, "atheists believe that everything came from nothing!"

    NO WE DON'T.

    In fact, we could make the same accusation - theists claim without evidence that God has always existed, and that he created everything from nothing - while dismissing any question of God's origin might I add. Like Carl Sagan pointed out - both theists and atheists share the same seemingly unanswerable question - if God has always existed, then why not conclude that "Nature" always existed?

    Since that profound commentary of over 30 years ago in his series "Cosmos", we have come closer to an answer that may indeed confirm that the Universe - nature - has always existed, and that "nothing" never is nor was.

    I find that extremely exciting!

    We have a lot to learn - and unfortunately, I will be long gone before scientists understand fully, even harness, quantum physics. But if my guess is worth anything, I have a hunch that our understanding of the apparent design and order of the Universe will point to an "Intelligent Universe" - with more purpose than we imagine.

    We are all star dust - just not inanimate dust, it seems.

    One thing I feel more sure of, is that our understanding will put to rest the idea of past genocidal, jealous, vengeful, and very man-like god's of the past - and the dangerous and judgmental attitudes that go along with their followers. (Not going to happen tomorrow as knowledge outside one's religion or community is often conveniently demonized.)

    Time will tell. We are already getting a peek at a whole new paradigm...I encourage anyone who thinks for self to search videos and articles on Quantum Mechanics. It will blow your mind.

    A future to look forward and be opened-minded for…:) "

  • dm6

    @braincleaned.. wow a very nice read.

    And now i have something to research tonight. Ill try to find a documentary on Quantum mechanics!

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