The future.....It just doesn't matter!

by Aussie Oz 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    For some odd reason i cannot remember, i recently got to thinking about the future, not retirement or paying off the house kind of future but in particular, the dreaded 'new world order' that is claimed to be plotting the death of 90% of the population, the planned mass sterilization of humanity, viruses in the drinking water, some stones from the 1970s with guidlines for the future, you may well know the stuff of which i speak.

    It has been raised before on the forum, and other forums and blogs can be found with many preaching the new age of death to come. I wondered if it could really be so, was it really happening? Are we to be the victims of of the 'elite' as they get named, who want to make us all slaves? Some even feel that as ex JWs we should be especially aware of the conspiracy. What shall I do, what shall I do?

    I concluded: None of it matters!

    Change is inevitable, every single human rulership whether a village cheiftain of a remote barbaric tribe or leader of a great civilization such as Rome has grappled with trying to maintain the status quo, to no effect. All had risen and all have fallen. All had their power mongers, their shadow figures, their puppets and devious plans but it in the end, none of it mattered, they fell and were covered by the sands of time. The true survivors were the ones who simply adapted to the changes and new masters.

    And so we come to the 21st century, and just like all the cicilizations of the past, we too think of ours as the most enlightened to date, the most progressive and therefore the one that simply must remain for all time. How utterly stupid. An ever increasing level of technology has given us faster transportation than in any time before and the birth of computers has made the world one giant city. The two combined are what has led mankind to the seeming need for a one world government. All countries and economies are naturally tied up with one another, it can't be any other way unless all the satellites fall from the skys and we go back to horse and buggy and boats with sails.

    So, the powers that be will plot and debate, discuss and have secret meetings (that we seem to get to know about) trying to work out how to handle the newest challenge of the globe. Makes perfect sense actually. It doesn't mean we have to like it, no more than some ancient cave dwellers had to like getting a new chief either. But one fact i beleive remains: We are essentially powerless anyway. We are the worker ants of the colony, we get told how things will be, like it or not does not matter. Oh we might get to vote and participate in referendums etc and feel like we have some say in our fake democracy's, but overall nothing changes and never will, until the world is exhausted by our efforts and either spits us out or some race of aliens takes over or the terminators rise...

    So i came to conclude that all that matters is getting through each day with the ones you love, having food on the table and doing what one can to have a happy life. Now, I don't like the thought of having to bow to Allah one day, or having to serve the NWO overlords or the Martians but seeing as i can't effect any of these possibilities, I just can't seem to find it in me to accept the doom and gloom some would have us labor under. I spent 40 years living like the end was nigh and I will be buggered if I will spend the rest of my life living under the black skys of worry about who will try to kill or control me one day.

    Should i buy as many weapons as i can and build an underground bunker full of food for 5 years? Nah, I wanna spend the last part of my toilet roll making love to my wife, helping my kids, and having adventure before dementure, not fretting over yet another man made prophecy of destruction...

    Will Obama win, will money become worthless, will china take over the world, will Islam dominate us, will the U.N turn us into zombies...on and on we go about nonsense! IT DOES NOT MATTER! The sun will set, the sun will rise, we will die, more will be born until the day our sun puffs out.

    Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we choose to handle it. I don't mean we should not be aware of the goings on and stick our heads in the sand, I just mean, be careful how much energy one puts into these future predictions...

    I apologize for my long rant. I guess i needed to rave!


  • Satanus

    That's a pretty good synopsis. Change is permanent and guaranteed.

    A while a go, i read a bit about the history of china. It's probably the oldest continuous country. The first emperor, chin, brought it together about 2000 yrs ago. Since then, it has had all kinds of ups, downs, invasions, corruptions, almost anything you can think of, they had it. They are more accepting of change than we are.

    It's not just us xjws that feel the need to know stuff and feel the need to try to do something, either resist or bring change. Many of the current fear topics are based on fear of change: global warming fear, peak oil, rise of power of 2nd and 3rd world countries, rise od people power to name a few. The current wars are based on fear of change. Instead of adapting, overt efforts are put into maintaning the status quo.

    I believe this resistence to change in the usa is because of the newness of it's culture. Young religions like protestantism also have fear of change, except for the changes that they think they wish to make. As an even younger religion, the wt is even more extreme. Older religions like the catholic are more nonchalant.

    The whole change process on this planet, i believe that it is evolution. Due to the many pressures that we human monkeys bring to bear on society, we drive evolution. The increase of technology and population accelerates evolution.

    aahh. I gotta lie down now. Some of my thoughts on the subject.


  • cedars

    Aussie Oz - you make a fair if rather sobering point!


  • braincleaned

    Great post. I agree.

  • designs

    Plan for the next 400 years.

  • slimboyfat

    Have you read Alan Watts? Reminds me of his book The Wisdom of Insecurity.

  • Vidiot

    I actually felt relieved at the point in my fade when I realized I didn't need to feel anxious about the future due to the inevitablity of change.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Yes indeed, when you realize 'god' isn't looking to kill you, and you realize the messy way the world is run is just a repeating pattern, you are able to let it go and just get on with living in your own particular reality.


  • flipper

    AUSSIE OZ- Very good points you make. Many of which I agree with. Very well expressed ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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