To derive at a correct answer as to why has the Watchtower Corporation been so corrupt and devious comes it toward that fact this religious publishing house has had men placed in a position to come up with appealing doctrines to allure the publics attention to the very literature the organization's published. The return of Christ, the end times and great tribulation is at hand as well Armageddon. These were all posturing doctrines which the WTS has used extensively all throughout the 20th century and before. Pretentious dates were made such as 1874 1914, 1925 and 1975 etc., which were made without any backing from a biblical resources or either outside secular resources .
Nevertheless the constant drumming that judgment day would be coming soon, all elevated a lot of attention to the literature the organization published and was quite an advantageous marketing strategy that was proven successful over and over again as it still is today.
The self proclamation that the WTS/JWS was exclusively chosen by god as his own FDSL added support toward those tangible and marketable doctrines.
Ironically the very president of the WTS. William Conley couldn't go along with doctrines that C T Russell developed involving the return of Christ so he left the organization to support another Christian based faith.
The WTS still exists today by implementing stringently focused control over its coerced devoted followers and by claiming that Jehovah is with the organization and using it as its chosen mouth piece for all mankind.
People are validated as serving god and his will and purpose by their service in distributing the WTS's own literature which has all those calculated maligning doctrines to lure more people into the organization so they too can be proficiently exploited as the publishing house's sales representatives.
There's an obvious and intensionally endeavor to lure people into the organization and have these ones forcibly subservient and loyal to the conniving whims, wants and needs of the men who run this organization and they do it by being both cunning and malignantly devious.