Watchtower’s expert on blood transfusion…

by Marvin Shilmer 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Watchtower’s expert on blood transfusion…

    Today I added a new article to my series addressing IV administration of blood product to feed patients.

    As we all know, the Watchtower organization ground its axe against blood transfusion with claims that it’s another means of eating blood. It turns out that the very expert quoted on blood transfusion issues had conclusively proven that Watchtower claims of feeding on blood via transfusion was false.

    This whole subject is a bit of a mystery to the average reader; hence my series on the subject of experimentation with blood transfusion as a means of feeding patients. Watchtower knows this history but refuses to share it.

    My article is titled Watchtower’s expert on blood transfusion… and is available at:

    Later on I will write a single short article that pins this series together.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • snare&racket

    If you want to get a bit this sister make stuff up about blood transfusions. This is soooooo dangerous. for example

    "If you were educated you would know there are alternatives that are safer."

    Brother "I worked for the fire dept.... we didnt carry blood on the truck, we carried saline...because of the Jehovah's Witnesses."

    He was here implying it was safer and a better alternative, in actual fact he is an ignornt bafoon. We dont trust people like him to give blood because if you give the wrong type the people die, it requires a chemical experiment in a lab to determine what type to give and requires a micro biologist. Not t mention blood must be fresh and kept in a freezer. Saline is on a fire truck because it is salt water and easy to carry, it replaces the VOLUME of lost blood but it is of no use to the body, it cant carry oxygen, ONLY blood can, ONLY BLOOD. If we had substitutes we would not need blood donations!

    Part 1 (blood comes up just after 8:30)

    Part 2

  • konceptual99

    In response to point on vaccinations being banned...

    "Our publications give us pros and cons, it never tells us what to do."

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