You know when they said you should wait 2 years before you witness to anyone?

by gubberningbody 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    (At least I heard that from a lot when I came in, though only in jest)

    I think it's true for those who leave.

    You need time to be with your own thoughts, time to heal before you try to talk to anyone.

    If you don't, you'll just confirm what's on the minds of those who fear where you've gone.

    Of course, in the long run none of this matters except that you retain your own integrity.

    You were supposed to make the truth your own.

    Well since it is and always has been you can't let anyone take it from you.

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Comforting words gub : )

  • maisha

    Where did you hear that?

    certainly NOT from JW's

  • MrFreeze

    Yeah I've never heard the two year thing.

  • AudeSapere

    Yes. My mother used to say that alot - new JWs should not be allowed to talk to anyone for a year.

    In over-zealousness, the presentation is just waayy too emotional and off-putting.

    When I first found JWD/N, I wanted to share what I learned with a few relatives who were semi-out. Turns out they were pretty strong apologists. LOL! Who knew??!!

    -Aude. (Dare to Know)

  • Phizzy

    I heard that a lot as I grew up, and saw the kind of person it was aimed at, the new convert often totally alienated their own families in the early days of their being a JDub, often never to re-establish normal realtions, very sad, so there was some wisdom in the jest.

    I think it especially applies when leaving, new people exiting will find they go through a number of stages over the first year or two, and any precipitate action may be regretted, if you really alienate your JW family the route to getting back together with them is an emotional roller coaster of pain.

    Far better to keep quiet until you are certain of which words to use, in the best way, so that none of your aims are thwarted.

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