Domestics, annointed, F&DS= new epic fail mess by GB

by moshe 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moshe

    And the JWs thought the light was getting brighter until the tottering old GB stepped into this mess !

    Help! -we've fallen can can't get up!

  • Tater-T

    freeking awesome dude!! LMAO

  • moshe

    The brothers gave the GB a pass on their overlapping generations change, as they wanted to keep believing the end was still around the corner. However, some JWs might actually balk at accepting this self-serving dogma from the WT. I have a feeling that too many of the annointed were clamoring to have their voices heard at Bethel - and this was their way of shutting off the independent opinions from the masses. These vocal anointed have a few months left to shore up their local support base in the KH before the WT article is published that shuts them down.

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