was looking at their topics

by cptkirk 1 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cptkirk

    not sure if anyone said this on another thread, i'm sure they did, but it looks like the watchtower.org is gone, and they merged all of their sites into jw.org.

    just thought it was funny that the first thing i see says "corruption--how widespread is it?" any irony in them asking that? like hi we know how many child molesters you have, we know what so many of your elders are doing in their private lives, we know you are holding inquisitions on just random poor fucks to make yourselves feel high and mighty.....hmm how widespread is corruption? not sure, please go on tell me

  • whathappened

    The Watchtower Society could have written the book on corruption, couldn't it? That is an amusing observation.

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