Giving to charities

by XBEHERE 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    When you were active JWs did you ever give to charities? Anyone else you know in the cong. do it?

    As for me, I do give on occasion and when I am able to. Red Cross, PBA, Local Firehouse, even Salvation Army during

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters


    Giving to charities?? As in worldy charities run by worldy people for worldly problems??

    My goodness, NO! Never, never, never. After all, the *only* thing people need is WT literature! Why would/should they need or require anything else??

    The "preaching" work (knocking on empty homes) is the most important work that could ever be done on the earth today. Why waste time, money, energy, etc. on such frivolous things like trying to help people in a physical way? Why try to feed or shelter people who are going to be killed off soon (any day now!) anyway?

  • MaybeSo

    Hell no!! I've seen how some of the funds are mismanaged and spent on everything else except the purpouse of the non profit charity.

  • jam

    Yes, Red Cross,Salvation Army and Disable vets. I use to

    give to the police fund but they sold my name, calls from

    the fire Dept, and other law enforcement agencies each month.

    Also I may add, I also give to the Native Americans. Iam a

    large contributor (Indian Casnio).

  • cobaltcupcake

    Back in my JW days my employer put on a campaign to get 100% participation in the United Way (in the US this organization represents many charities, including the Red Cross and Boy Scouts). I was the only JW there, and I absolutely did not want to be the one person to prevent them from reaching 100%. I found out I could designate a particular charity to receive my donation. I chose United Cerebral Palsy, which had no religious connection. Whew!

    Nowadays, when I'm employed I give to the Red Cross, UNICEF, ASPCA, and local Humane Society. I love it! Always hated that smug, self-righteous JW stand against donating.

    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • blondie

    I did, the only concern they had locally was not to donate to religious organizations or ones that supporting unscriptural ideas (Planned Parenthood). United Way has it set up that you can choose by organization and not one lump sum to various orgs you have no choice in. jws accept help from the Salvation Army and the Red Cross during house fires, floods, and other disasters. I know other jws believed differently.

    Yet Jesus healed a non-Jew

    (Matthew 15:22-28) 22 And, look! a Phoe·ni′cian woman from those regions came out and cried aloud, saying: “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David. My daughter is badly demonized.” 23 But he did not say a word in answer to her. So his disciples came up and began to request him: “Send her away; because she keeps crying out after us.” 24 In answer he said: “I was not sent forth to any but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 25 When the woman came she began doing obeisance to him, saying: “Lord, help me!” 26 In answer he said: “It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to little dogs.” 27 She said: “Yes, Lord; but really the little dogs do eat of the crumbs falling from the table of their masters.” 28 Then Jesus said in reply to her: “O woman, great is your faith; let it happen to you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed from that hour on.

  • Satanus

    I prefer to give directly to the people in need. And, i don't care for what they use the money. One hot day, when i was leaving the store w a six pack, i asked the pan handler if he was into a cold beer. He said he'ld love one. Heehee. He stuffed that bottle into his bag and went a less public place to slack his thirst. Afterall, jesus turned water into wine for the celebraters, didn't he?


  • Satanus

    People in calgary like to give to charities because it's tax deductible. However, they hate street people, and poor people. It's the heart of the canadian bible belt.


  • NewChapter

    I did. I didn't announce it. I didn't do United Way and I still don't. I just prefer to give directly to the charity. I also didn't like the way I felt pressured by my corporation to give to UW. It seems to be a bit of an abuse of power. We also had jeans on Friday, and then they changed it so that you had to donate a certain amount to a certain charity to wear them. Well most of them were okay, but every now and then I didn't like the charity. So I told them I would donate money to a charity of my choosing instead. This made them mad. I did NOT say anything, but somebody must have, because suddenly Human Resources was involved (again, NOT ME) and they had to stop that. Apparently someone else didn't like being pressured into giving money to a charity they didn't support.

    Anyway---I do prefer to donate direct.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Muddy Waters: ‘ Giving to charities?? As in worldly charities run by worldly people for worldly problems??

    My goodness, NO! Never, never, never. After all, the *only* thing people need is WT literature! Why would/should they need or require anything else??

    The "preaching" work (knocking on empty homes) is the most important work that could ever be done on the earth today. Why waste time, money, energy, etc. on such frivolous things like trying to help people in a physical way? Why try to feed or shelter people who are going to be killed off soon (any day now!) anyway?

    That is exactly how JWs the world over have been trained to think when it comes to helping out your fellow man! That is unity of thought!

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