New definition for Domestic Abuse in UK to include mental abuse how will this apply in JW land?

by nugget 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nugget
  • nugget

    Apologies brain not in gear.

    A recent conversation between my Mum and JW sister have got me thinking. My sister and BIL have been extremely aggressive since my mum has been discharged from hospital and as a result they have been banned from the family home. After a vain attempt to force their way into the house they have reported my father and younger sister to the police for domestic violence and to social services. their main concern is not my mother;s health but the fact that my father will not read her the Watchtower or let her have her meeting tapes. She has neither asked for them or given any indication she actually wants them. On a recent telephone call my sister referred to the new law and told my mother that if she wanted to see someone Dad couldn't prevent her. That the law would be on her side. The irony is my mum has to be forced to call my sister and does it to stop futher harrassment from her and she dislikes her visiting. Their arrogant and unrepentant attitude have led to this rift but they refuse to apologise.

    Now this got me thinking, under the new law isn't shunning Domestic violence. If I want to see a relative and another relative prevents me then that is emotional violence and covered under the new law. If the relatives put pressure on one another to conform to shunning would that be covered? I wonder if anyone will actually take the step of prosecuting JW relatives who practice bullying under the excuse of religion.

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