is God His last name?

by carla 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    I know we have discussed this before but after all these years it still makes me chuckle. Why oh why do jw's insist on saying jehovah God? if they truly believe in only one god then why the need to point it is jehovah God they are talking about? is there a Bob God? Tom,Dick or Harry God as well? it just sounds so silly.

    You may say they are just trying to insert the word jehovah whenever they can but even still why not just say jehovah did this, jehovah said that.... why not just refer to the One god? It sounds like they are trying to differentiate between Tom,Dick and Harry God and jehovah god. I have had non jw's ask me this as well.

    You may also say that jw's don't really in their heart of hearts believe the rest of have the 'right' God but I would argue against that as my jw, an elder and a ms have all told me that we have mutual starting point as we all believe in the same God, that being the God of the Bible.

    I know we have discussed it before but someones letter from their jw relative reminded me of it again.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    People worship a variety of gods. By saying, Jehovah God; it differentiates Him from Jesus Christ and all the other gods.

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