The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, Damien Hirst.

by Ucantnome 0 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Ucantnome

    I recently went to the Tate Modern in London to see the exhibition of Damien Hirst's work. I particularly wanted to see two of his works. One being the one in the title, the shark in formaldehyde, and the other, For the Love of God, the skull encrusted with diamonds.

    Unfortunately the diamond skull was only there until 24 June. I had been on an earlier occasion but failed to get a ticket. However I did see the shark. In the little book given to you that tells you a little about each piece it says "...developed into the idea of an actual shark that would provoke in the viewer a profound, primal fear."

    My reaction was quite different from my friend. He said he found it frightening, I found it looked cozy like a sleeping bag. The teeth reminded me of a zip and the skin looked soft like moleskin. I felt I could have climbed inside and had a nap. I really liked the title, it reminded me of something someone said regarding Kant.

    I really enjoyed the exhibition and it gave me something to think about.

    I wondered if anyone else has seen the exhibition or seen this artwork and what reaction it caused in them?

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