Look what shunning can lead to!

by 00DAD 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    Amish leader, 15 followers convicted of hate crimes in beard attacks

    I'm sure all the JWs seeing this are saying, "Look how idiotic their religion is. It's a good thing we're nothing like them!"

  • sizemik

    Amish leader, 15 followers convicted of hate crimes in beard attacks

    His name is "Mullet" LOL . . . seems oddly appropriate.

    I'm sure all the JWs seeing this are saying, "Look how idiotic their religion is.

    JW's wouldn't recognise themselves if they looked in a mirror . . . which this metaphorically represents.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    How does this have anything to do with shunning?

    The news report states: "While the charges charges can carry a sentence of u p to life in prison, the judge can choose any length, and the federal guidelines in this case is probably about 17.5 years, said Mike Tobin, spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office."

    With prisons cram packed with violent criminals, 17 years is a bit much; however, I'd like to see him hit in the pocketbook. If they have to sell the farm to do it, fine. Otherwise a year or two would be a realistic sentence in a tough prison. Let's see them keep their beards in a place like that!

  • 00DAD

    Cold Steel: How does this have anything to do with shunning?

    Good question. I've been following this story for a couple of days and didn't notice that the blurb in the link I posted left this part of the story out.

    Here, read this coverage of the story. It explains how shunning was a factor in this Hate Crime:

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