How do I know when God is helping me?

by Tin Man 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tin Man
    Tin Man

    I have needed his help for a long time but I do not seem to comprehend anymore when he is helping me or even if he is, cause I have been through too much emotional upsets for too long.
    Tin Man

  • thinker

    I'm not really what you would call a christian, but I do have ideas about God. During trying times in my life I made a point not to ASK God FOR anything. I simply asked Him to take control of my life. Just sit in the backseat and let Him drive! The journey wasn't always short but it did finally get better and better. Take the pressure off yourself and let someone else take over for a while.

  • kes152

    Dearest Tin Man,

    What is it you are asking for? He hears you dear one, are you requesting "help" on how to "hear" and "see" him better? What are you asking him for?

    Peace to you,

  • Tin Man
    Tin Man

    I get all fouled up in side my mind, too much thought I guess, too much bills, too much loneliness, too much wondering what really is the truth about God, now that I have seen the Jehovah's witness's are just one among many cults, after 47 years of meetings and jumping to the beat of their drums. Tin Man

  • RedhorseWoman

    Tin Man, what works for me is to simply lay out the problem and tell God that I can't do it alone and need help. I don't ask for specific things, but if bills are getting bad, I just tell Him that it's getting really rough dealing with the money situation and I need help.

    Inevitably, things will start to fall into place, and it will become quite evident what path is the best to follow.

    Thinker's advice is good.....turn the problem over, and then stop worrying about it.....just do the best you can, and you'll find that you will get what you need.

  • Bang

    How do you know when?
    When your breathing an' all.

    If 'bad' things happen it's just part of your Adventure. He gives life, and it's an Adventure. Good and bad - He's there anyway, and a real Adventure isn't just talked about, it's experienced.
    I know He's with you in the Adventure because your here. The Good News is that He's here too.

    Just go with God and live, the good and bad. The WT teaches it's adherents not to risk the 'talent', to keep it for the future and fear people and demons etc., but remember to kiss His ass so then you won't fear Him, knowing Him as a "hard man".

    Be in awe of the Adventure and go along - check it all out, help people along the road, you know how, His Spirit tells you.

    God can use bad for good. If you loose everything material, then great.
    Here's a typical bad thing I'm very pleased to report - some JWs moved in next to people I know and proceeded to do many irritating things to them because they're Catholic, upsetting them no end.
    HOWEVER, the good thing is that no matter how much preaching is done around that street, no one will ever become a JW, so by being meek and copping it their suffering has benefitted many and won out.


  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    Dear Tin Man, perhaps this will give you an idea of your confusion as to whether God is helping. You said,

    I have needed his help for a long time but I do not seem to comprehend anymore when he is helping me or even if he is, cause I have been through too much emotional upsets for too long.

    We are composed of a a spirit, a soul, a body.

    1. The spirit is not the holy spirit, but the spirit-of-God which God breathed into us at Gen. 2:7. This "spirit" has two meanings, one being that we have been given a human spirit. It is this human spirit with which God's Holy Spirit works. The two mixing help a person know that he is saved.

    2. Next we have a soul, composed of the mind, the will, the emotions. These, making up the soul, are our basic personality.

    - The mind is the reasoning element of the soul.

    - The will is the motivation element of the soul.

    - The emotions are the feeling elements of the soul.

    3. The next is the body, the containment vessel for the spirit and the soul.

    In a man, where his human spirit and God's Holy Spirit are controlling / dominating the soul (mind, will, and emotions), the Christian is spiritually healthy.

    Know please, that there is a constant battle going on where this soul, including the body, is under attack by

    (1)the influences of this satanic world,

    (2)the demonic spirits looking for someone to devour, and

    (3)the Adamic inherit imperfection within the man himself.

    The purpose of [Satan] is to steal, kill, and destroy the Christian. The best defense for this is a Christian's knowing who he is in Christ, and keeping his protective suit-of-armor in good condition. Learn and study these parts.

    Getting more to your circumstances,

    when a Christian is beaten down, he can sometimes no longer tell which has greater influence in his life, God's Holy Spirit with his human spirit, or his own soul components.

    Before the fall of man, the human spirit--with help from the Holy Spirit--was dominate over the soul. Now, however, the conflict is ongoing, where the soul tends to rule the human spirit with it's relationship with the Holy Spirit.

    So, dear Christian, I recommend your drawing close to God, his Son, and the Holy Spirit, as best you can, in ways that you recognize need to be done.

    Listen to the Counselor within your thoughts: you know, the ones that are directing you properly, by the awareness of your conscience.

    Know that God forgives when you ask. Accept his forgivness and forgive yourself, and then go forth and do the things that the God's gift within you allows.

    All Christians have a gift. Think of yours and use it please, knowing that you are a member of the Body of Christ and you are loved.

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