Let's talk about Psychology and the JWs

by cptkirk 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cptkirk

    I should put out a series on this, taking one aspect of psychology and applying it to JW madness one facet at a time.

    I think this is really a great one too, because oh god, the flood of thoughts in my mind right now, I could write an entire book....

    Lets look at one very specific point, self responsibility, but not only self responsibility, but also how we ascribe responsibility to others (in the borg terms).

    We all know that this religion is mainly built on what? status, and cult power right? how good of a little cult leader you are , or on the flip side of the coin, how good of a little cult follower you are. and of course all those poor fucks that are stuck in between this complete cluster fuck of aberrant souls.

    Let me give you an example of what I'm going to try and articulate here, and how it is blended in to JW cult policits.

    Say you have a situation with a family here on one side, and a family here on the other side. Now there are divorces that occur. Now of course what do you have? step families right? ok so now the kids are all pissed off because they have a new step mother or step father that they never wanted right? ok, but lets say the kids really love their daddy or mommy, and even though they have all of this anger inside about the divorce, they just cant SEEM TO BLAME THE PERSON THAT DESERVES BLAME, because of a few reasons really. a. they love them oh so much, or b. they are smart and they aren't going to fight the hand that feeds them.

    So what happens? all of the things that are the result of this new step family, and all of the angst it proves to inflict on the children creates this anger in the children as was mentioned. AGAIN, the children CANNOT blame the parent so they begin to do what? they begin to ascribe all of this negative energy to maybe their new step sister or step brother, or the cat for that matter. AND SO BEGINS THE BEAUTIFUL BEGINNINGS OF ABERRANCY AND LOSS OF ASSOCIATION WITH REALITY WOOOOT SOUNDS LIKE A PERFECT SHINY NEW MEMBER OF PRODUCTIVE SOCIETY TO ME PAT.


    this is one psychological aspect of human behavior that completely de-rails connection with reality, and of course, WELL IT SORT OF IMPEDES YOU FROM ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE AND TRUTH, SO FIX YOUR OWN HOUSE BEFORE YOU COME KNOCKIN ON MINE.

    oh and note to self, if you have a situation with a bunch of elders that have run wild and are meddling in everyone's affairs, elders that are afflicted with this afore mentioned aberrancy, well guess what ester? you got one big convoulted fucking mess of bodies to clean up.

  • cptkirk

    let me just take the initiative to fill in the blanks here for those that are not so psychologically motivated.

    within this principle lies the core of what we see in cults more than any other place: which is the "blaming of the victim" ..this is generally where that whole thing is derived from, this kind of gap in reality.

    the first point in the principle is less of a witness thing, but we see it with the witnesses more than anywhere probably....which goes like this:

    let's say when you are a little kid, you have a tendency to steal little things, like a bag of chips from the store, little things like that. as you get older you probably have the same tendency....until maybe something happens you get caught etc and it stops. the main point is, the proclivity is inculcated in you at a young age, and just follows you indefinitely through your life.

    the main point here is, this gap of reality that is created, whether it is literally being created in the illustration for the sons and daughters of divorced parents....or it is happening in this cult because of the fact that people can't take responsibility so they just dump it on the nearest and easiest target....THIS FOLLOWS YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, that is why i made the sarcastic comment about a shiny new productive citizen....because once that disconnect from reality is instilled at a young age, it follows you, and you then have a proclivity to disconnect from reality in many things in your life that determine who you are and what you will be. without that gel of reality to direct you properly, you are lost.

  • HelpMeBelieve

    Captian Kirk, this goes on with local charities, non profit groups, any place people meet there is a need to feel important. No place is safe from weak humans wanting to "play the price over everyone" or feel they are better than the other members of the group. Groups bring out our best and worst traits, if we can dig out the bad traits from our brain and focus on good!

    I tolerate their strange behaviour because I want to help the people, the few who want the glory of men or women can have it!

  • cptkirk

    hmb: ya , i guess i know this....i guess the real point is, they portray themselves as being above this sort of thing, that somehow they are instructed by THE TRUE GOD. here is really where it gets funny and really gets into cognitive dissonance....because if you ask an elder or someone are we flawed? would a situation like this one above exist inside the organization and he would say SURE SURE OF COURSE YAYAYA....BUT then when you point out to him what this actually means and how it does not jibe with the teaching that we are given, what we are taught in terms of direction and spirit and all that....then all of the sudden its like dead silence lol.

    the main point being, its all just human bs, there is no difference between this organization in this context, compared to any other org. the same bullshit that happens to people in a normal circumstance happens here....and then what do they say (because they cant say that god protects you) well they say WELL HE WILL SPIRITUALLY PROTECT YOU....well hummm maybe not? based on the acceptance of this principle contained above, the workings of aberrant human beings can supersede "the spirit" so that kinds even throws out the "he will spiritually protect you though" argument because that is also bullshit...thank you have a nice day, please tell us more lies and then call ourselves the truth , ridiculous.

    people may be confused by my angles, as they often are. it's pretty simple really. i'm going to put MYSELF in the SHOES of ALL PEOPLE in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, and i'm going to pretend i'm that person looking out how they are seeing things.....and make my argument inside their shoes....not because i'm just a great neato guy, but because i want to fully expose the lies.

  • HelpMeBelieve

    I agree that JWs should be held on a high level or under a stronger lense of the microscope. This group brags they are "God's People", "Have direct Bible insights from the Faithful Slave of (Matthew 24) , are "No part of Christendom (line used to speak with Muslims) a better and fresher version of stale old Christianity.", "the only group that remains neutral during war or times of political unrest." "clean, wholesome and the invisible "loving brotherhood" are their trademark.

    Jehovah Witnesses do not want to be judged the way the judge everyone and every other religion. Logic requires if they make these big loud claims, we need to evaulate them by their actions (past and current) and doctrines (darkness to light) and compare these to what the Bible requires of Christians. We need to evaluate them by humans ideas of common decency and love just as well!

    I now know that every religion has good people and heaping piles of shit, people who are ready to help and love and those who want to rip you and your individual identity into pieces if you don't obey them! To think I thought only JWs were the religion of "love and goodness", some of the worst humans beings I know are JWs in positions of elder or pioneer. The group mind tells people not to judge these "apostles of god" and focus on the weak brothers and sisters, the weaker animals are always easier to pick on!

    I don't know if you read my post about grandma thinking I am going nuts because I use the word "love" she uses "works, blind obedience, meeting attendance" a different way to gauge if you are a good person.

    Think for a moment, who are the worst villians in Jehovah Witness theology? The mass-murderer, the serial rapist, the pedophile, the child rapist-killer? No, the worst possible person in JW Theology is the "APOSTATE!"

    I enjoy you thougths into this Captian Kirk!

  • cptkirk

    ya, guess what you just outlined the framework of? A CULT, GO FIGURE!

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