So little has changed... an intriguing BBC documentary from the 80s/90s.

by cedars 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    I'd better limit my introductory remarks in case King Solomon (our new resident expert on JWs, even though he claims he was never actually an adult JW) finds some bone of contention with which to try and start a fight.

    Instead, I'll just post the video. Here it is...



  • cedars

    I've figured out the date of the video is actually 1996 (MCMXCVI), so not all that long ago.


  • Phizzy

    I wonder if the Beeb would consider doing an update ? perhaps screening this excellent film from '96 first, then showing how the control and shunning have got worse.

    I would love to see this screened nationally.

  • AnnOMaly

    An excellent find, cedars!

    I personally knew some r&f JWs in the mid-90s who also believed the pedophilia problem in the Org. was a ticking time-bomb. Of course, it first detonated in 2001/2 and continues to scatter damaging debris all over the place. Still, it's interesting to see how the problem was publicized in the media even back then.

    I would love to see an update too. Where are these people now? E.g. did the girl realize her dream of becoming a doctor? Is the ex-JW couple still washing windows?

    And more importantly, have any of them posted here on JWN?

  • cedars

    The documentary is very one-sided, but it is stressed on more than one occasion that the Society declined the opportunity to be interviewed. So what was the Beeb supposed to do, scrap the documentary altogether? I'm glad they soldiered ahead regardless. One or two of the ex-JW comments are a little extreme or mildly inaccurate, but overall I think a fairly honest insight is given as to why JW beliefs can be so damaging.

    Like AnnOMaly, I wonder what became of these people. I wonder whether any of them have been on this forum at any time? It would be nice to hear how things developed.


  • dozy

    Good spot Cedars.

    I have just zipped through the video to see if I recognised anyone - Peter Price ( "Peter from Exmouth" who appears at 16 minutes ) still occasionally gives interviews - he has changed a bit in 14 years!

  • AnnOMaly

    One or two of the ex-JW comments are a little extreme or mildly inaccurate

    I thought the same. The part about the kid not being allowed any school associates - even in the playground - sounded off. Having said that, we all know wacky, extreme attitudes exist (thinking about the 'mature sister's advice), but this wasn't typical - as far as my own experiences and observations go.

    And I thought the narrator was a little blunt - paring down the beliefs into 'no frills' terminology. As you said, though, the JWs were invited to participate but they chose to forego the opportunity to provide some balance. Their loss.

  • BroMac

    hope those 2 window cleaners learned to use a squeegee properly in their go faster F1 suits. @12:20

  • lostsheep82

    I remember growing up whenever there was something like this airing on TV, they had a special needs talk or a special announcement instructing us to NOT to watch these as they were apostates and blagh blagh...if only they knew the truth to much of the content in these videos oh eyes would open!!!

  • steve2


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