Latest magazines

by snare&racket 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    I read the latest magazines, paticularly the Awake on higher education. It has been some years since I read the magazines and I was gob smacked. There is clearly a new approach in writing. I would go so far as to say they must have a whole new writing staff/dept. It looks like they regularly read forums such as this as so many points of argument in the magazine came with flavours of explination to modern issues in the JWs. For examp,e it talksabout the prophecy of great earthquakes.... Gone are the lies and false statistics... Now they openly say they are due to large populations in earthquake zones etc. an argument that is udes to defend no great increase in earthquakes by ex JWs and atheists denying that verse.

    The article on education is such a sly move. They can refer to that magazine in the future, they evenn have 18 year olds discussing homework, implying higher education al the while they are sending out letters to the ongregations in private, with instruction that pioneers and elders will be pnished for promoting higher eucation. Surely the writing department sees this sly hypocrisy!

    I felt vey uncomfortable reading the mags again, the contents just felt deliberatly filtered and diluted with a twist of deception. To write like that one would have to first know the issue discussed, think on how it can be maipulated to support the WT and then written. T think that peopke in the writing department are doing that makes my skin crawl....

    Also who are thy to give advice on education! Not one sentance suggests critical appraisal, lesson 1 in education! Question, question, question and seek the evidence!

    One article later in the magazine encourages parents to monitor their kids access to the news..... WTF! It ends with a neat article on facebook and how facebook can store your info and details.... Guess what... FB is not compulsory, its a free service you can use or not use. Also, what evil plans and statuses are we supposed to be concerned about FB knowing? ... This little article reads like something from N.Korea.

    The edication article ends with a page or two for parents, its a nudge and a wink to let everybody know that nothing has really changed...

    " Be reasonable with regard to how much education to pursue. As mentioned earlier, education can help prepare your child for responsible adulthood. (Genesis 2:24) But how much schooling does reaching that goal require?

    Do not assume that your child must attend a university to make a decent living. There are other options that are less costly. In fact, in some cases those with trade skills can make as good a living as university graduates."

    Who are these people to have ANY say in the goals of a child! Even the parents should allw the child to choose, itstheir life, their future! It is all so distasteful.


    Ps. I apologise for text, on an IPad and it always comes out terrible. I have no patience for the editing lol

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