Fun with JWs

by safe4kids 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids

    Huh, I just helped two JWs get enough time in before break

    You know what's weird? I was shaking like a leaf the whole time! Christ, that pisses me off. You'd think after all this bloody time, I'd be over a case of the nerves. But all I could think is I'm lying to these people...and I'm not a very good liar.

    Anyway, I did have some fun thru my shakes...hehehehe. At one point, I asked em if they had a website I could visit to learn more about their beliefs and I was STRONGLY cautioned against reading material from those who have "fallen away". I told em that I enjoy getting both sides of any argument

    What I found especially interesting was how they didn't really listen to what I said. I mean, they would talk over me and cut me off, in a hurry to get their point across. And what few answers they tried to give me came almost exclusively out of various brochures. She did manage to read a scripture or two, altho I told her that I didn't consider the bible any kind of authority.

    So...should I hit em with the UN next time?? LOL I was thinking I could be all excited that I found out they were an NGO and how great it is that their organization is helping promote peace in the world! HEHEHEHEH What cha all think?


    P.S. A friend suggested that I shouldn't play around with these any of you think there's any reason I should be cautious?

  • Gopher

    Hi Dana,

    So you're counting time against the JW's now, he he. The only need for caution is that if these people keep coming, you might have a hard time getting them to stop (once you've decided enough is enough).

    But if you talk to them a couple more times, maybe you'll get used to it and get rid of "the shakes". View it as your own personal anti-theocratic ministry school!

    As far as the UN/NGO issue, odds are they won't know a thing about it. If they do, they'll immediately recognize that you got your information from "evil apostates". It'll be interesting to see the reaction.


    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • Scully


    I'm shocked you didn't take out your light sabre and give 'em a good scare??? Next time......

    Love, Scully

  • SoulJah

    GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!

  • patio34

    Hi Dana,

    It's something all of us would like to do, i think! Yes, bring up how great it is about the UN/NGO issue and how the JWs are promoting world peace thru it. LOL!


    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  • rhett

    Don't be cautious. Go and have as much fun as possible with them. What's the worst that will happen? You might die when their puny little version of god decides he's had enough and wipes everyone out.

    I don't feel like Satan but I am to them.

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