Damned Information!

by Pureheart 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pureheart

    Hello all.
    Been doing some research. Thought that I would share this tidbit with you.

    *** jv 621 28 Testing and Sifting From Within ***
    Was God Using a Visible Channel?
    There are, of course, many religious organizations, and a considerable number of teachers make some use of the Bible. Was God particularly using Charles Taze Russell? If so, did God cease to have a visible channel when Brother Russell died? These became critical issues, ones that led to further testing and sifting.
    It certainly could not be expected that God would use C. T. Russell if he did not loyally adhere to God’s Word. (Jer. 23:28; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17) God would not use a man who fearfully refrained from preaching what he saw clearly written in the Scriptures. (Ezek. 2:6-8) Nor would God use a person who exploited his knowledge of the Scriptures to bring glory to himself. (John 5:44) So, what do the facts show?
    As Jehovah’s Witnesses today review the work that he did, the things he taught, his reason for teaching them, and the outcome, they have no doubt that Charles Taze Russell was, indeed, used by God in a special way and at a significant time.

    Only a freed mind can see through this “Damned” information that they write. The WTS is a witness against itself!

  • DakotaRed

    Oh yes! God used Russell to get things started by misleading the masses. Sure a good thing Rutherford, Franz, Knorr, et. al. came along so that God could use them to correct where God had us all misled before.

    Now, just when did God decide to stop using single men and started entrusting his wishy washy ways to a Governing Body?

    Poor Russell. He must be spinning in the grave at what has happened at the organization he started. If he were alive today, I do believe he would be here posting alongside us.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • Fredhall

    I see that some people are a little jealous here. May God be with you.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Good post Pure.

    *** jv 621 28 Testing and Sifting From Within ***
    Was God Using a Visible Channel?
    There are, of course, many religious organizations, and a considerable number of teachers make some use of the Bible. Was God particularly using Charles Taze Russell?

    Good question lets take a close unbiased look.

    If so, did God cease to have a visible channel when Brother Russell died?

    If so? we haven't even proved he was God's channel yet!

    These became critical issues, ones that led to further testing and sifting.
    It certainly could not be expected that God would use C. T. Russell if he did not loyally adhere to God’s Word. (Jer. 23:28; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17)

    Good point lets take a closer look at the proof and see if Russell really was loyal to God's word and didn't use it for his own benifit!

    God would not use a man who fearfully refrained from preaching what he saw clearly written in the Scriptures. (Ezek. 2:6-8) Nor would God use a person who exploited his knowledge of the Scriptures to bring glory to himself. (John 5:44)

    Well I guess that leaves Russell out as God's channel, because he exploited God's word to bring glory to himself and make himself look good.

    So, what do the facts show?

    Yes show us some "FACTS" for a change instead of assertions.

    As Jehovah’s Witnesses today review the work that he did, the things he taught, his reason for teaching them, and the outcome, they have no doubt that Charles Taze Russell was, indeed, used by God in a special way and at a significant time.

    Yes as long as they don't do research independly of the WT. If they are unbiased and do their own research they will come to a far different conclusion.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • dungbeetle

    As long as nobody ever looks outside Watchtower sources the Watchtower's claims can be taken at face value.

    Did Russell claim to be the faithful and discreet slave. Everyone says no, that the claims were made for him, although he never made any public deniel. (in all of his massive writings, you would think he could 'mention it')

    And yet he did write that notorious statement of 'read my books and it's like reading the Bible' (I'll get the real citation later).

    yes, he certainly did use the bible to bring glory to himself...and if not, then why did the Watchtower have to make 'adjustments' in so much of what Russell said?

    Ahhhh..the infamous paper trail...

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

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