Stunning Pathology Report On Weston Witness.

by Englishman 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I posted this thread last summer about a witness lady who was killed in a car crash. I once knew her very well, all her family in Weston are witnesses too:

    Today’s Weston & Somerset Mercury contains this news feature:

    Drink drive woman dies in M5 pile-up

    A Weston super Mare woman was more than five times over the drink-drive limit when her erratic driving caused a three car motorway collision in which she died – an inquest has heard…

    City coroner David Gibbons said that the accident on the M5 near Gloucester was entirely due to Maria Gauci’s excessive drinking…..He told the inquest her blood-alcohol count was 417 mgs per 100 mls of blood which is over 5 times the 80mg limit.

    This would have left her “severely intoxicated” and was close to being a fatal level of alcohol, he added.

    Police collision investigator PC Gordon Pearce added: “This accident can be directly attributed to her level of intoxication.”

    Coroner’s officer Alan Slater told the court of a psychiatric assessment Mrs Gauci underwent a month before the incident.

    It said: “For the past five years she has been drinking excessively and this has caused enormous problems within the family……….

    Verdict: Death by misadventure.

  • ozziepost

    The effects of alcohol abuse are terribly sad. How many star footballers have been cut down in their 'prime' because of it? Gazza, Maradona, Best etc

    I'm curious Eman, was this lady still a JW? Was she in 'good standing'? Dubs are notoriously intolerant of alcoholism so if she was still an active dub, it seems rather curious.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Englishman


    Indeed she was active, I know that my Mum saw her taking an active part in the MS not so long ago, also another poster to this site commented that she had been involved in a fracas outside the KH with another JW, whom I understand was actually her daughter in law.

    When I was in my teens and my Dad was PO, we were visited by her and her sisters, she came to complain that I was not giving her enough attention and was too involved with another sister. She thought this unfair. I just laughed and put it down to her Greek Cypriot temperament.

    I would occasionally see her in Tesco's, she would be watching me closely but jerk her head away if I looked in her direction. She drove fast open topped sports cars in a manic fashion. I think that I started to notice that her behaviour was becoming irrational quite recently, I think that as she was about 50 I assumed it was a hormonal thing, it's only today that I realised that it was due to the alcohol problem.

    I know her family, which is huge, are totally devastated by all of this.


  • avengers

    It's no wonder these sad things happen. Like I said before in my posts: The GB has much to answer for. They cause it to happen.
    Lots of JW's don't see any way out. She did it her way. I did it my way. I got off well. Poor lady didn't. You have my deepest sympathy and condolences. Add another victim to the list of the notorious GB!!

  • safe4kids

    Hi Ozzie

    Dubs are notoriously intolerant of alcoholism
    This is interesting, as my experience here in the US was quite different. In fact, alcohol abuse was VERY prevalent in every congregation I was in and, unless the individual made huge scenes or acted completely insane, most pretty much looked the other way, including the elders. I'm curious if this is the prevailing attitude across the US or if it was an isolated occurence here in the South.

    Apparently, a 180 degree difference in my area and yours. Interesting.


  • patio34

    Hi Eman,

    As Dana said, the situation in the US seems very different. There was a woman who was an active JW for years, but her own family had 'outlawed' her for her being drunk. She needed a place to live and when i asked about her to the previous JW (an elder BTW) who had rented a room to her, was told she was fine. I didn't have a hint of her presumed alcoholism. After 6 weeks i evicted her. She was going from place to place and continuing with her drinking.

    I know of at least 2 persons who talked to the elder body about the situation, but apparently nothing was ever done.

    The sad ending to the story is that she died apparently of drugs and alcohol overdose in about 6 months.


  • Andyman

    I live in the Pacific Northwest and have seen many cases of alcohol abuse so no it is not an isolated thing from what I have seen.

    I know elders and their wives who have problems, MS's, and just every day rank and file JW's. I know that they preach against alcohol abuse, but what is preached from the stage and what is practiced are two different things. One MS I know buys his booze by the "half gallon" and not just one at a time either! The P.O.'s wife has parties that involve plenty of booze and all kinds of R rated movies, but she has never been talked to, nobody has the guts to!

    They use the bible to defend themselves saying it's OK to drink, as long as you don't admit to anyone your a drunk I guess it's OK, at least in my old congregation it was!

    Take care.


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