
by smmcroberts 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smmcroberts

    It's the 11th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. The media here in the U.S. are repeating taped interviews of survivors. I have no problem with that; it was a tragedy we shouldn't forget. But I'm disgusted with the U.S. response to the attacks. They have used the attacks as an excuse for 11 years of a vague "war on terror" which seems never ending and which keeps expanding to conveniently include invasions and bombings of ever more countries. Instead, the U.S. should've taken stock of its foreign policy and figured out why these other countries hate them; then made adjustments to become that "kinder gentler nation" they've only talked about.

    The 9/11 attacks were motivated by religion and nationalism. The response has been motivated by the same things.

    While I commend the JWs for their refusal to participate in war, they do so not out of a hatred for war but because they have allegiance to their imaginary kingdom which they think is soon going to wage the ultimate global war in which they will rejoice at the slaughter of most of humankind.

    In my latest blog: War! I imagine a world in which religion and patriotism no longer have a stranglehold on us so that we can live in peace.

  • fakesmile

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yRhq-yO1KN8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    please let me know if this shows up or not. good luck with ur blog. respek

  • sizemik
    They have used the attacks as an excuse for 11 years of a vague "war on terror" which seems never ending . . .

    Yes, there's still a lot of that terror about . . . does this mean they're losing the war?

    What's next? . . . a war on horror, or maybe a war on anger?

    Maybe a war on war?

  • glenster
  • glenster
  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i guess most american flags are sold in muslim countries.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    the biggest problem with the "war on terror" is, that america attacked the wrong countries, with the exception of afghanistan maybe.

    irak and libya would have probably been better off with their previous leaders, hussein and gadhaffi knew how to handle the muslim extremists. same thing with syria i suppose. now with the muslims taking over everywhere, things are bound for the worse.

  • glenster

    I agree with Lennon about wanting a world without harm but define the problem
    in a few important different ways than we just need to not have religion or need
    to imagine no heaven.

    Without making another long explanation of how I organize my thoughts on such
    things, I draw the line at anyone being hurt or killed over such belief/non-
    belief things. I see the harm coming from 'centric intolerance about either,
    with either as law of the land like institutionalized 'centric intolerance, and
    certain orthodox/conservative Abrahmic stances.

    We shouldn't be Islamophobic but Islam is the 2nd most popular religion in the
    world and is predominantly orthodox/conservative. Islamists are politicized
    Muslims. On the LGBT issue, what passes for a retro conservative Republican
    view in the US is a liberal Qur'an-only stance (just punishment in the
    afterlife--no hadiths calling for punishment by human hands in this life) in
    Islam. ("Don't be prejudiced." I know. Could you tell them, please?)

    If a cure for a GB-taught JW about to let their kid die at a hospital
    or such is research tempered with some understanding of the perspective I
    described briefly above, that's needed here, too. Some Islamic-majority coun-
    tries (such as Iran) are rife with propaganda (what Holocaust?) and are even run
    by propagandists (such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad).

    Meanwhile, I'd like to imagine a world without crime but in the real world we
    need police (PS: Lennon donated money to the NYC police dept. later in life).
    The defense here has two fronts: police/war focused against terrorist groups and
    the education I referred to so to diminish the need for the police/war. Just
    having no police or even any intervention is a nice dream for the ideal result
    or a hope for a heaven but would meanwhile mainly serve the criminals.

    (Speaking of peaceful intervention to prevent assault, thanks to whoever
    turned down Yoko's amp feed.)

  • Nambo

    I read recently Iran was behind 911 as well, so maybe we better go to war with Iran, after that it will be Syria, then maybe they will discover North Korea did 911, better go to war with them as well, anybody see some sort of pattern forming here?

  • glenster

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