HI mandatory reporting if minister in teaching position

by Sherilynn 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Sherilynn

    I spoke to asst. procescuting atty and said if church minister in position of teacher, such as Sunday School Teacher, then they are required to report sexual abuse if a child tells them of the sexual abuse. This has to be the child not the parents telling them..so you parents if your child comes to you about sexual abuse by church member then go with them and support them while your child tells the minister who is in a teaching capacity. Make sure that the minister acknowledges they have to report this to the police (as you would also be doing) Made me wonder if that was part of why the home bible study groups were no longer allowed with one elder conducting the group as this would fall under that catagory of manditory reporting, at least in Hawaii. He also confirmed the two year window for filing civil cases in sexual abuse no matter how long ago the abuse was.


    AndersonAdvocates.com Jeff Anderson & Associates webpage - they are attys representing cases under this new law in Hawaii

    If anyone wants to stop the next child from being a victim come forward and they will help you.

    Has there been a news release on the appeal decision for Candace Conti case that link can be shared, I have looked but have not seen any media releases.


  • mauiboy

    Click on the search bar and type in HERES THE LATEST ON THECANDACE CONTI CASE. I believe it will get you there. Mahalo and Aloha. No opala.....really.

  • smiddy

    Shouldn`t any person whether they are male or female giving a talk or demonstation from the platform be considered a teacher ? This would incorporate not only Elders & ministerial servants , but also women and men used in demonstrations offering counsel and instruction to the congregation ? Surely. After all, every baptized publisher is considered a minister in JW land.


  • flipper

    I was talking with a friend on the board here who requested that I bump this thread up to show the importance of reporting ANY child abuse within the JW organization to police authorities. This poster made some good points and interesting links here . Thought you'd be interested

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