Interesting article on JWs repeatedly knocking on the same doors weekly

by cedars 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    This article also briefly questions whether it is really safe in the modern world to engage in this form of proselytizing.

    It's certainly interesting to hear an outsider's perspective on the repetitive nature of the preaching work, even though JWs would argue that this is an isolated case.

    Jehovah Witness knocking on the same doors every week

    If you live in Country Walk then chances are you have a once weekly visit from Jehovah Witness knocking on your door. It is quite puzzling that they choose the same neighborhood once a week and it has been going on for several years. If you do not open the door they leave a little pamphlet in Spanish. If you speak to them they only speak Spanish and get upset when you do not speak their language. If you ask them not to knock on your door again do not worry they will most likely knock again next week.

    Knocking on doors in today’s world is not something that is recommended as it can be dangerous. So why do they keep coming to the same homes for the past decade? According to the belief they go door to door to spread the gospel but does it make sense to knock on the same door? Will that really bring any results? Except potential trespassing charges. If they are asked to leave and keep on coming it is after all harassment. Jehovah Witness considers knocking on doors a good way to reach people but seriously it does not say to reach the same people over and over every week.


  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition
    Knocking on doors in today’s world is not something that is recommended as it can be dangerous. So why do they keep coming to the same homes for the past decade? According to the belief they go door to door to spread the gospel but does it make sense to knock on the same door? Will that really bring any results? Except potential trespassing charges. If they are asked to leave and keep on coming it is after all harassment. Jehovah Witness considers knocking on doors a good way to reach people but seriously it does not say to reach the same people over and over every week.

    Typical worldly people thinking and speaking with common sense.

  • yknot


    Maybe this article should be forwarded to the Branch....

    I always wondered how the foreign language congo operated territory wise beyond our reports of foreign speaking households we run across.

    Take for example the 5 French congregations in Texas... (Austin, Abilene, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio) the territory 'local' or circuit or district wide?

  • MaybeSo

    That's how the return visits and studies get stolen right under your noses. Too many bros and sis visiting the same house and neighborhoods over and over

  • Emery

    Uninvited confrontational talk about your beliefs doesn't work like it used to.

  • Glander

    I heard years ago that the Hawaiian islands field service territories are so overworked that "NO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES" signs are commonplace next to the doorbell.

  • Magwitch

    The Spanish man that lives across the street from me told me that when the English speaking witnesses come, he speaks only in Spanish, when the Spanish speaking witnesses come he pretends to not know Spanish.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    On one of these crime channels on Cable, I saw one story of a JW husband, wife, and small child who were thrown in a ditch and shot after engaging the people in conversation about religion. The witnesses (small "w") say the guy who shot them were so enraged that he wouldn't listen to them. He told one of the women traveling with him to get out of the way or he would shoot her. It was a tragic story and in my view a monster who would shoot a small child in the arms of her mother should be fried. I don't know how JWs come down on capital punishment, but we need to rid society of people who would commit such attrocities.

  • ziddina

    Here's the murder that Cold Steel is referring to...

    I also saw the hour-long crime show about the murders, and realized that those JWs would still be alive today if they'd shown a bit more sense about talking to total strangers with obvious chemical-dependency issues...

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