While JWs were waiting for the 1975 Armageddon.... Movie: A Thief in the Night

by kurtbethel 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • kurtbethel

    It is common knowledge here about the Watchtower 1975 runup and expectation, and we have had our fun criticizing and mocking the people who were involved in that epic fail. But the Watchtower was not alone. Books like Hal Lindsay's Late Great Planet Earth stirred up similar expectations in fundamentalist circles. I grew up being exposed to that and fortunately there is a trail of literature remaining from the fundamentalist perspective.

    One such movie was a low budget indie called A Thief in the Night. I saw it when I was 14 and it left an impression at the time, so I have some empathy for those who were caught up in the 1975 fever, even though I was never a JW.

    It does not age well, being low budget, campy and dated, but those qualities make it entertaining in a way that it was not during its original run. If you find this topic interesting and are curious about how the end time theme was played for the other side, the film is worth a watch. I watched it today and enjoyed it. One thing to watch for, there is a plot point that would make a devout JW cringe in horror, but would not give a fundamentalist a second thought.

    So get your popcorn, prop up your feet and suspend your scriptural knowledge and enjoy the show.


  • ziddina

    Hee hee!!


    For when I get some speakers for my computer...

  • EndofMysteries

    That is next years district convention release, how did you get it already?!

  • ziddina

    Wait a second.....

    I thought the world was going to end in 2012!!!!

  • kurtbethel

    I thought the world was going to end in 2012!!!!


    Just around the corner.

  • ziddina

    We're in the last times of the last times!!!

  • kurtbethel

    Evidently. Stay alive until......oh crap.....who am I kidding?

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