Dream agenda

by Half banana 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    We have probably all made comparisons of the theocracies of Islam and Jehovah’s Witnesses. They both have a dream agenda; the former has an Islamic world caliphate and JWs the earthly paradise.

    The distinction between the two is that paradise for JWs is an idea which permanently remains in the future and moves forward like the proverbial donkey’s dangling carrot does, being attached to the animal, which is a most apt metaphor for the way the JW org functions. The caliphate on the other hand is of this world and of human making.

    Both ideas oppress the human spirit and as evidence of this the destruction of the archaeological site of Nimrud in Syria by explosives and the looting of museums all in the name of Allah, is sickening to anyone with the slightest sensitivity to the whole picture of human needs, culture and creativity.

    Fundamentalist Islam tells the world that all who do not sympathise with them will be killed just as JWs foolishly teach.

    What is the best way to counter this grotesque streak in human nature?

  • fukitol

    Eternal life in a paradise earth is the utopian goal of JW's, but not really for Muslims.

    Islam has no abiding interest in this world. It absolutely believes the only real life is the one after death, the hereafter. Everything Muslims do in this life, even the achievement of a global caliphate, is ultimately for the purpose of attaining the real life after death.

    There is no short-term solution to this deeply ingrained mass ignorance other than slow and gradual social and cultural education and change, which will take many generations. It took Europe nearly 2,000 years to largely unshackle the bonds of religious superstition and ignorance and it will probably take the Islamic world about the same (1600 years and counting).

    A big step will be when Islam eventually tolerates higher criticism of the Koran, as Christianity did 150 years ago.

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