From my brother...

by openminded 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • openminded

    I sent my Df'd brother that article about that guy who is being shunned for trying to save his daughters life. And this was his reply

    My heart goes out to that guy. Yes, he will take the
    fall and will wonder why the hell he deserves it,
    especially for nobly saving his daughters life. I
    came across a letter years ago that I was going to
    group send to all who effectively shunned me. For
    diplomatic reasons and opting to be the better person
    I never sent it. It was meant for my religious
    excommunicators and family that decided to devalue my
    existance upon disfellowshipment. I was mad when I
    wrote it. Here it is:

    To the perpetrators:

    You are the author of unalterable evils. My current
    remorse laid upon me has extinguished any hope I have
    in your organization and lifestyle. I am quite
    confident that the actions and deeds that you have
    bestowed upon me will perpetrate into further
    wickednesses. I have an obscure feeling that all you
    have done is far from over and this crime, by its
    enormity, should almost efface the recollection of
    past times I have shared with any of you. My
    abhorrence for what has unneccesarily been done to me
    cannot be conceived. When I reflect on your crimes
    and malice, my hatred and revenge burst all bounds of
    moderation. Explain as you will, I will never
    understand this false logic. You have chosen to
    disregard my individuallity in favor of obscure
    theological doctrine all in the name of love.
    Therefore, I have chosen not to know you. Laws bound
    me to never wreak the utmost extent of my abhorrence
    on all of you and avenge what you have done to me.
    Regardless, I could never do this on my own accord,
    laws accepting, for I am the better person. I will
    never treat any human so wretchedly as you have me.
    What is more, I will never outline a process to
    somebody to regain my favor like you have done to me.
    Either I have your favor or I don't. It is apparent I
    don't. My honesty is my last gift to you.

    Aaron Lamb

    Anyway, that was anger talking and I eventually was
    reinstated to meet status quo only to be kicked
    out...again. I would take greater pride if my
    disfellowship was for a greater cause. Compare life
    saving blood transfussion to that of wanting to get
    laid. But still, no matter the "offense" shunning
    does certainly follow. However, If I am to no longer
    be religious in any capacity, let alone a j-dub, let
    it be for this reason:

    The Isrealites roamed the desert in search of a
    promise land. A ban of some 500 000 had basic humans
    needs of food, shelter, clothing. These Isrealites
    were the chosen people of a supposed impartial God.
    So very much like any mythological evolution, an
    answer is given to those who may wonder how this band
    subsisted. Well, this loving GOD rained down manna
    from heaven, food to satisfy the hunger of this 500
    000 for the 40 years the spent in this condition. And
    yet this same GOD vehemently exterminated those that
    complained (murmured) during this god-given quest
    towards this promised land. My problem is this: not
    counting men or women, over 100 000 children die daily
    from direct starvation. So, is GOD truly this
    naively, selectively miraculous? Lets do the math,
    100 000 children a day, times 365 days a year, times
    40 years equals 14,600,000 lives that can be saved
    during the same time the Isrealites wandered the
    planet. Crazy sadistic deity. The hebrew definition
    of manna is 'what is it?' I have the same question
    and more...'did it really exist?' and 'why not send a
    butt-load of that stuff, GOD, to Africa?'

    Take care xxxx

  • Gopher


    Your brother really knows how to gather his thoughts and put them into writing! It is so sad that the Society enforces harshness and shunning, when it could use the talents of people like him in spreading their message. Oh well, the message isn't worth spreading anyhow.

    Is your brother still over in France? Is he doing okay? And don't you think he'd be a valuable contributor to this board?

    Take care, OM. (Our apostofest went very well, almost everyone who was invited came. We will have another one probably in May or June.)

    J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • openminded

    Goph, the kid is a genius. He has an amazing aptitude for both science and art. 7 years of college hasn't hurt his mind either.

    Yes he is teaching in France till June. He is planning on Law school when he gets back.

    I will show him this board.


  • Tim

    I like your brother!!


  • SYN

    Some good points there...

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • Farkel


    It's a darn good thing your brother did not send that letter to the local elders. They wouldn't get the gist of it. After all, they ARE monosyllabic.


  • openminded

    I dont think that letter was intended for the elders as much as it was for the braindead half of my family who happen to be hardcore jdubs.

    Interesting side note though; One of the elders that df'd my 18yr old bro for "fornication" was found out later to be a pedophile! go figure?


  • teejay

    Beautiful writing, but I share Farkel's opinion that few of its intended readers would understand it or care if they did.

    Few who have never been disfellowshipped really understand the damage the process does, particularly when the shunners are those one always expected to "be there," come what may.

    Reinstatement may wipe away the condition, but the memory of the experience never fades. One lives with the realization that should the congregation decree that you are once more no longer fit for association, the barriers would rise once again and love taken away. It is the most hideous form of coercion.

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