Shakespeare's Love

by LittleToe 1 Replies latest social entertainment

  • LittleToe

    Should fair restrain and doubting thrust
    Ignoble thoughts among the caged?
    And whilst my mind alights with thou
    Erotic trouble is upstaged.

    Should hearts desire athwarted roam
    Amidst a rising panicked breast?
    What will thy fevered brow reveal?
    To whit, a mind without arrest.

    For love's sweet effigy alarms
    E'en the most illustrious part
    Of contemplative homilies.
    Hurt and sorrow, deep impart.

    See the darkness, rising passion
    Hear the breathing, most emphatic.
    Hear the wind, and feel it's pow'r
    Cry out with joy, most ecstatic.

    Fate it was that brought this charge,
    Weaving in it's sensual charm,
    And as our conjoined minds awake;
    Bring on pleasure, avert harm.


  • Xena

    Beautiful poem LT....

    Would it be considered inappropriate to throw panties at a poet???

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