JW Growth

by Etude 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Etude

    Has anyone done the math and arrived at the actual numbers reflecting the growth of the JWs spanning one or two decades? Back in the 70's, I remember reading in the "Year Book" how growth was exploding all over the place. Indeed, that's what led to the major influx of people into Bethel in those years. Then it dipped a bit when Armagedon didn't happen in '75.

    However, with a considerable (perhaps greater) outflow of disassociated and disfellopwhiped people, what is the real growth of the organziation, if not in numbers then percentage-wise? Certainly, it can't be greater than the Mormons or even some of the evangelical mega-churches. Where can I get my hands on some numbers?



  • slimboyfat

    They publish the numbers every year in the yearbook.


  • sir82

    You should be able to get what you need from the JW Yearbooks.

    You'll have to back into the "number who have left", based on "number baptized" vs. the increase in "average number of publishers", but it can be done.

    You'll also have to make some assumptions about mortality, since the WTS doesn't distinguish between "no longer counted because they died" vs. "no longer counted because they were disfellowshipped or became inactive".

    Several others have attempted such analysis on this board, use of the "search" feature ought to bring their posts up.

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