watchtower leadership getting weaker

by edmond dantes 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Is it my imagination or does the Watchtower need a strong individual leader to come forward and take control they seem to be losing it big time.

    I have just started re reading Thirty Years a slave of the Watchtower and it seems to me that compared with Judge Rutherford and Knorr there is just no strong personal driving force. When Rutherford took control he was young compared with todays leaders and so was Knorr but todays team seem very lack lustre and undynamic.

  • sir82

    How did the current GB get to their positions? By being "obedient" and "submissive" to those above them.

    Year after year, decade after decade, not showing any initiative, nor creativity, merely following "theocratic arrangement" better than anyone else.

    Suddenly, you get to the top, you're a GB member, and hey - wait a minute! Who do I obey? Who do I submit to?

    So your top guys get to the top and have never developed anything resembling leadership ability. And you end up with a religion run by committees and lawyers.

    God help us all.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Totally agree sir82 after viewing Morris minor and his presentation it seems that for the Watchtower to survive they need an infusion of younger blood no pun intented.

    Also a charismatic leader might galvanise the lot of them including the rank and file they just seem to be drifting and not really getting to grips with modern technology. Their message about the last days has lost it's urgency because of failed promises it seems not to be adapting efficiently to change. It's lost the plot with the child abuse scandal where is it going next. Armaggedon doesn't want to show up either. I am no spring chicken but if I was a Governing Body member and took a keen interest I sure as hell would want to see a bit more lively action instead of the slow drift.

    Maybe the GB are just looking forward to their new retirement home when they move out of Brooklyn.

  • yknot

    Lets not insult the lawyers like that....

    Splane & Co need to brush up their Millerite and Mormon studies.....

    Then again this lame leadership of circle the wagons and push loyalty issues could sustain them for years.

    Oh well matching shirt service has its cute points....

  • Lied2NoMore

    Starting to have more conversations with some heavies.. voicing my concerns about russel, Rutherford, policies, doctrines, I'm surprised what I'm getting away with I think leadership has its tail between it's legs afraid of more lawsuits!

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    The leadership might have circled the wagons but I bet they make sure where the chuck wagon is.

    They will probably have the mind set that they can't lose if the big A is consigned to a future generation down the line at least they will have a comfortable new residence in which to end their days.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I think you have a point there Lied To they must be losing confidence in themselves as far as running the organisation is concerned.

    All businesses have to change in order to survive but there doesn't seem any one leader who takes a personal interest in the way that the Judge and Russell did it was their baby but now the motivation seems to be one of clinging on until end of life .


    It is not your imagination [as I already posted in a previous topic]. These guys are absolute zero.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Certainly, none of them have any critical thinking skills, right when the organization needs critical thinking skills the most.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    They need a David Miscavige like leader; that way the Borg can go into a dramatic and violent death spiral.

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