Philadelphia Cover Up Priest gets 3 to 6 years Jail

by BluesBrother 0 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • BluesBrother

    This Priest (to our knowledge) assaulted nobody. But for the cover up, he is sentenced :

    "Monsignor Lynn’s conviction was for lax oversight of one former priest who had a known history of abuse, but was allowed to continue in ministry. The former priest, Edward V. Avery, now 69, spent six months in a church psychiatric center in 1993 after an abuse episode, and doctors said he should be kept away from children. But Monsignor Lynn, though aware of this history, sent him to live in a parish rectory and did not warn parish officials."

    Lax oversight eh? .. i wonder, could it ever happen that the keys of the jail cell turn on any J W elders guilty of lax oversight of child abusers??

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