Prometheus Breakdown (WARNING movie spoiled)

by sabastious 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    Prometheus is a movie that 5 years ago I would never have imagined going and seeing. I remember thinking down of other people for seeing movies that were clearly "wrong" because of violence or what have you. However, since I left the JW organization I have realized that movies are competition to the organization. The true reason why they go to such great lengths to demonize movies like Prometheus is because movies often hold deep messages about God and the universe. Science fiction for example often asks big questions about the future of the universe as well as the genesis of humanity.

    In my opinion the best acting in Prometheus was done by Michael Fassbender who played an android named David. What's so interesting about him is he represents the whole of all science in the fictional Prometheus world of our future. He is able to show emotions such as curiosity and he even takes a liking to the character Lawrence played by Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia. So much so that he likes to mimic his look at dialect.

    In the beginning of the movie there is a brilliant scene where a humanoid figure is standing on a waterfall and drinks of this cup that makes it break up and fall into the water and then eventually completely deteriorate. Throughout the movie there is a theme of creation coming from destruction and this scene sets that tone. We are not given information about what the setting of this prologue is, however.

    The movie is about a trillion dollar operation to travel to this distant world in a vessel called Prometheus. The characters awaken from their stasis as fodder for a sci-fi horror film, but a deeply enlightening and exhilarating sci-fi horror film. Everybody gets briefed by a holographic old dead man as to why they are there and they all put on suits and get ready to be fodder in a sci-fi horror film. When they arrive on the terrain they see some sort of compound and a key line is uttered in the movie. "God doesn't build in straight lines" is said by one of the people in the bridge area with a see through glass viewing panel. They see the compound which are these big spiral pyramid things that are built in a straight line. They find that it's got a series of caverns and they send people down into them.

    They eventually make their way to the complex in their space suits and when they get a reading from their instruments of breathable air a character named Charlie fairly naively takes off his helmet and takes a few deep breaths. This was foolish because there could also be microorganisms that he could have been infected by even though it ended up safe. He seemed to have a misguided faith in the place to begin with. David, the android, is the secret weapon as he is able to read the alien language enough to push buttons and open doors. While inside the caverns they accidently trigger some sort or holographic recording device and they get to see what appears to be a "last recording." It shows a bunch of large aliens running through the corridors frantically. One seems to get hit by something and falls down lifeless.

    They find an ancient headless body of one of the aliens right where the recording last positions itself. David is able to open the door and the head of the alien is in the other room. The alien was decapitated by the falling door indicating there was an emergency closing of it and it didn't make it in time. They get the head and have to get back to the ship because of a massive storm being detected. The android shows himself to be acting in secrecy as he hides a liquid compound in some cylinders within the structure he finds for himself.

    The return to the ship is perilous as they are trying to get back before a storm hits. Two crew members are left behind and the main character, Elizabeth Shaw, is almost killed. Just before they get back to the ship they lose the head of the alien and Elizabeth has to risk her life in the storm to retrieve it. Without the aid of the android she would have been lost with the head rendering the trip worthless. We are shown the incredible sacrifice that Elizabeth is willing to make in order to find the truth about this particular alien head. Elizabeth believes the head to be her creator and she is willing to die for that idea as she showcases before everybody.

    They bring the head back to their lab and find out that it's DNA matches human DNA therefore proving her theory correct. However, there is the question of who created the creators? David is intrigued by the shear will of the humans and the sacrifice that they are willing to make for truth. He still has the liquid compound that no one else knows about and he gets Charlie to take it in a drink. The android is programmed to not harm his masters, but he asks what Charlie would be willing to do for the truth and he replies, "anything." This is giving David consent to do anything, including kill Charlie, if it's in the spirit of getting to the bottom of this creation mystery.

    We eventually find out that the old man in the original briefing was not dead, but was just in stasis like the rest of them. It turns out he is seeking eternal life and is the real reason for the Prometheus mission after all. To make matters worse the man is on death's door step and time is of the essence.

    The two crew members who were left behind are given a ghastly fate. Crewman Milburn is, like Charlie earlier, acting in a vary naive way. He sees a snake looking thing and acts like it's a flower or something and it ends up killing him very brutally. Crewman Fifield dies because he tries to cut the snake thing off of Milburn but it's blood is unfortunately acid and it burns his head and kills him. I get the feeling that the writers are trying to show that people who are naive about nature die horrible senseless deaths.

    The God theme in this movie is very intricate. Elizabeth has a cross necklace and is called a "true believer" by the old man Weyland, played by Guy Pearce, who assembled the crew in the first place. In fact that was the reasoning why he brought her specifically along was because she was a true believer. He wanted the motivation that faith gives you in order to secure his own eternal life. This is a very deep allegory for what happens in real life in regards to faith. Faith's innocence makes it strong in the individual, but it also gives a naivety that can be taken advantage of. Wayland, is just a shyster with a selfish purpose.

    They all return to the alien complex in suits again and Charlie becomes sick because of David spiking his drink with the alien compound. Elizabeth is feeling guilt because her mate appears to be having some sort of reaction to the environment. The way it looks she knows it to be terminal and he is in extreme pain and she keeps telling him that's she's sorry. When they try to return to the ship another lead character, Meredith, comes out with a flame thrower. Everybody thinks that Charlie is sick from some sort of microorganism or something. Meredith has to burn Charlie alive in front of Elizabeth and everyone understands because no one wants to have what happened to Charlie happen to them. It's a pretty hardcore scene.

    Meanwhile David, using the death of Charlie as a distraction, is finding the truth about the whole complex. He goes to a special cockpit like room and finds a second recording which shows the Creator aliens, which were called Engineers in Elizabeth's theory, operating the controls. The whole cockpit works like a planetarium and the scene is rather spectacular and I hear it's amazing in 3D which I did not see. He also finds that there are Engineers in the room who are in some kind of stasis. He finds that all of them are dead except one who he hears it's heart beating.

    The ethics of all this is fascinating. David, as an android, represents the whole of science as created by humanity. He finds out the humans were created by the Engineers and therefore the Engineers are the true creators of himself. He has the same problem as us in not knowing. He is driven by curiosity and not emotion which is exactly what science is driven by. Since this mission was to find the truth giving the specimen to Charlie was merely finding out the truth at the cost of his life. This, again, is the theme of the process of creation through destruction.

    We find out that not only did David murder Charlie he also impregnated Elizabeth because her and Charlie had had sex before they went off on the second mission. The organism that was in Charlie actually integrated with Elizabeth's reproductive process and we are given another version of this creation at the process of destruction theme. The typical Alien birth process is always with the death of the host, but Elizabeth saves herself in dramatic fashion. She uses a piece of medical technology on board that has the capability of doing a cesarean operation to cut the alien out. Elizabeth is completely unaware that all of these dramatic events were the cause of David spiking Charlie's drink. After saving herself David applauds of what he calls her "survival skills." He, like everybody else on the ship, is skeptical of her faith in God as she always wears a cross necklace. Yet her faith seems to give her better survival skills than the rest.

    David brings his master, Weyland, who is seeking eternal life back to the cockpit room and Elizabeth chooses to come with them. They awaken the Engineer who upon hearing David speaking it's language goes into a rampage. He starts with pulling off David’s head with two hands. Androids in the alien universe have a white fluid that is kind of like blood and that goes everywhere. The old man seeking eternal life is swiftly killed and so is everybody else except for Elizabeth who narrowly escapes.

    The Engineer then fires up the alien cockpit controls and activates a launch sequence. Elizabeth rushes to safety and warns the bridge crew of the Prometheus that they have to stop the alien ship because it was going to destroy earth. In dramatic fashion the Prometheus, and it's remaining crew, runs into the alien ship crashing it to the surface in spectacular fashion. Elizabeth escapes into a medical ward of Prometheus that is detached from the ship. Inside she finds the baby alien that she gave birth to trapped inside the room where she did her self cesarean. The alien is like the face huggers in the first movies, but about 500 times larger.

    Elizabeth is warned by David's head, who still is in ear shot of a communications device, that the Engineer is coming to kill her and he barges into the ward through the door, but Elizabeth unleashes the giant facehugger, which she gave birth too, which engages the Engineer. Then Elizabeth retreats from the detached medical ward and back onto the alien terrain. David thinks she is dead, but is astonished when he hears her voice. Her will breaks at that moment, but it is David who cheers it back to health.

    Elizabeth goes to the cockpit room where she finds the head of David the android still in working order. She and the head of David, which is all we need of science anyway, are now the last survivors of the Prometheus and are shown to fly off together in another alien ship. They set off to find out the truth about who created them, but for diametrically opposed reasons. One is for reason and curiosity and the other faith. The first thing that Elizabeth asks for when she finds the head of David is her cross which he had kept. He becomes a believer in belief because he had seen the accomplishments of belief: Elizabeth was not only alive, but the last remaining.

    The giant face hugger kills the Engineer and plants an egg into it's body which gives birth to what appears to be the first species of alien (from the Alien series) which is a big step for alien lore fans. Again, we have the theme of a creation coming from destruction. The death of an Engineer of humanity used for the host of the creation of the aliens from Aliens. God doesn't build in straight lines. I for one, eagerly await the next installment.


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    so god used evolution?

    what's the message?

  • sabastious
    what's the message?

    I think the term "God doesn't build in straight lines" emcompasses the movies entire message. It provides food for thought for both believers and non believers alike. If Goes exists he definitely doesn't build in straight lines, so our path to him is going to be jagged and full of what we find in our every day life including sacrifice. I personally speculate that Elizabeth is guided by a mysterious force of luck (God) because of her faith. David is inspired by Elizabeth's faith and he acts as her custodian to the truth about existence which she earns through sacrifice.

    The movie's theme is reminiscent of an episode on ABC's: LOST called "Man of Faith, Man of Science" which was written by Damon Lindelof who also co-wrote Prometheus. He, and many science fiction writers, is obviously facinated with the "atheism vs theism" debate.


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades


    i'm not one for dissecting films and such, but something just doesn't feel right. i can't put my finger on it. what convinced you david believed in god?

  • sabastious
    what convinced you david believed in god?

    I don't think David believed in God, he didn't even believe in Elizabeth until she showed him extraordinary qualities. She battled a razor sharp rock storm for the alien head, did self surgery to remove an alien parasite baby and used it to destroy one of her creators. A final scene in the movie shows Elizabeth putting David's head into a bag and she says, "sorry" and he says it's quite alright. This is showing that David feels safe in the hands of Elizabeth who seems to have some run in with destiny. His curiosity is on overdrive as he wonders the possibilities of what lie next for them.


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    ok. how does the movie tie in with the original franchise. being a good lil dub, i never did see the movies. maybe tonight i will.

    i've read conflicting stories that what's his name is religious.

    i'm still rather curious what the goo actually was. why on earth would someone drink it knowing it'd kill him? looked painful too. why did the ship leave when he drank it? why did they want to destroy earth and how did elizabeth even know the engineer was going to destroy it?

  • sabastious
    ok. how does the movie tie in with the original franchise. being a good lil dub, i never did see the movies. maybe tonight i will.

    There are many tie-ins and some are more obvious than others. If you haven't seen the the originals I won't spoil it for you. The original first two movies (Alien 1979 and Aliens 1986) were masterpieces as is Prometheus, but the Aliens 3 and 4 largely disappoint. The Watchtower truly robbed us of an education in philosophy! Just the way they like it...


  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    The planets are different. Prometheus is LV-223 and Alien is LV-426. The crashed alien spaceship is not the same as the one found on Alien. The ship on Alien had a dead Engineer strapped in the navigator's chair with his chest burst open. In Prometheus the Engineer died on the human liferaft/shuttle. How the ship got there on Alien and the beings aboard are yet to be explored in detail.

  • sabastious

    PART II: Characters


    Weyland enters the story as if he is long dead in hologram form and instructs the crew in their mission. In reality he is alive and on board, but on a personal mission of eternal life and scientific discovery unbeknownst to the crew. He is awaken from his stasis only after the science crew goes down to the surface of the planet and finds an ancient alien head with DNA that matches humanity. He is the father of Meredith and seems to have a strong disapproval of her. He openly favors the android over her and hands over authority of the mission to starry eyes scientists instead of her. In the end Weyland's antics are what cause the horrible deaths of all the crew members except for David and Elizabeth who have to rely on their own cunning to escape the death trap he led them all into. He represents greed, lust for life at the cost of others and morbid curiosity.


    In the beginning of the movie the crew is briefed by a holographic image of Weyland who assigns authority to the science team. This angers Meredith because she is the leader of the corperation that created Prometheus and she looks at the science crew as her employees. There is a bit of a power struggle from the beginning and Meredith seems to win this by sheer aggression. She corners Charlie in one scene and tells him that the Prometheus quest is a trillion dollar operation and that that is the determining factor of who is really in charge. She has a strained relationship with David, the android, as he seems to have had a better relationship with Weyland than her. She is constantly trying to prove herself and has the hefty responsibility of the safety of her crew in an alien environment. In one scene the pilot, Janek, asks her if she is a robot because of her coldness throughout the mission.

    In the end of the movie the Prometheus has to run into a fleeing alien ship to save the planet earth from certain doom. Instead of going down with her ship she decides to try to run which shows that she has always been interested in herself all along and not true leadership. It turns out that her father was right about her abilities. Tragically even though she makes it to the ground by means of an escape pod the alien ship crashes on top of her before she can run to safety. She had the opportunity to die in glorious martyrdom, but she was never hero and she fittingly dies a coward. She represents the misery, and ultimate death, that comes from trying to prove one's self to an entity that will never approve for reasons beyond control.

    Elizabeth and Charlie

    Elizabeth is the opposite of Meredith. Instead of striving for the impossible, such as the approval of a father like Weyland, she decides to have faith in God and Christ coupled with science. The reason why she came to the Prometheus was to confirm her believes about God. She wears a cross necklace and it serves as a religious theme throughout the movie. Unlike Meredith, Elizabeth makes sure she is at the forefront of all the action and has wild curiosity and drive. Their separate motivations for being on the mission are not only completely different, but are also being tested. Elizabeth is also very naive as are all the crew members save a few paranoid types. She has an admirable fearlessness that makes up for her naivety.

    Her relationship with Charlie Holloway mimics many relationships in the real world. Consisting of both a believer and a non believer. In one scene Charlie mocks Elizabeth by saying she is ignoring "hundreds of years of Darwinism" so they obviously have differing views, but love each other nonetheless.

    Elizabeth goes through an extraordinary character arc throughout the movie and she is tested to her limits. First, she has to risk her life to save an alien head that ends up proving the existence of an intelligent creator of humanity. She has to watch her love be flamed to death by Meredith and Elizabeth feels guilt for inspiring anyone to go on the trip in the first place. She is systematically stripped of all that she loves in replacement for the opportunity to learn the truth about her Creator, if He indeed exists. She represents faith and it's power that imbues the human spirit.


    David is the most fascinating aspect of the Prometheus world. He literally shapes the whole storyline with his actions. In the caverns he opens doors without being told and acts as if he is the real authority throughout the whole movie. He acts in secret, changes the turn of events from behind the scenes and chooses the fate of characters. He gives Charlie, Elizabeth's boyfriend, a drink with an alien compound in it that eventually gets him killed horribly. He is testing the alien bio-warfare compound to understand how it works as well as providing a distraction during the mission when Charlie starts showing complications.

    David's curiosity is what drives the story and he finds the truth about the complex and makes sure the real mission of Weyland's eternal life comes to full fruition. His curiosity especially turns toward Elizabeth as she shows extraordinary drive and passion during the mission. You could say that Elizabeth inspires him in the way that he can be inspired which is through curiosity. He helps Elizabeth in every way he can and it happens to be just enough to get them an opportunity to see the next step in the mystery of their existence. Of course this is all at the cost of the lives of all the crew members. He represents the whole of science and everything it has to offer including logic and emotions like curiosity.


    Janek is the pilot of Prometheus and has a wide character arc. He starts out just being a tough guy, but he ends being the biggest hero of them all. Like David, Janek is interested in the motivation and drive of Elizabeth and her faith. Throughout the movie he starts to develop a type of faith in Elizabeth as well and in the end he has to believe in her command to destroy the alien ship. There were no cold hard facts to go by when the Engineer was trying to leave the planet, but Elizabeth had put the pieces together and it was her strength that inspired Janek and his crew into martyrdom. He knew that the establishment was some sort of bio-warfare facility and that the alien ship was not a good thing. He represents the result of faith and logic being used to provide motivation for the ultimate sacrifice.


  • sabastious
    The planets are different. Prometheus is LV-223 and Alien is LV-426. The crashed alien spaceship is not the same as the one found on Alien. The ship on Alien had a dead Engineer strapped in the navigator's chair with his chest burst open. In Prometheus the Engineer died on the human liferaft/shuttle. How the ship got there on Alien and the beings aboard are yet to be explored in detail.

    Indeed, Prometheus leaves many questions yet to be answered. It appears that the movie was created in a such a way as not to require watching the old ones first. In fact it's best to leave them unwatched and slate Prometheus first. All in all it's a great reboot to a dying franchise.


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