I heard his voice today, and now I feel removed from his presence

by EntirelyPossible 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • EntirelyPossible

    I heard his voice today. It was full of authority of old, full of gravitas. It meant something to me, it spoke to my heart. I was full of joy, of life, when I heard him. Honestly, it was the one of the most fulfilling and amazing things I have ever experienced in my life. I am afraid that I may never hear him again, that I may never have the chance to listen to his amazing words again. He moved me so much I immediately preached to some younger people about how awesome and amazing he is.

    Of course, I am talking about Lemmy Kilmister, the genius behind Motorhead, arguably the greatest (and one of, if not THE, original) metal bands EVER. Some punk ass kids think Slipknot is better. Don't get me wrong, Slipknot is good, Lemmy demonstrates what greatness is. His unique voice, powerful lyrics....I can listen to that all day and I got to see him live for the second time in Atlanta, GA today at the Mayhem Festival.

    I hope he doesn't die before I can see him again. He is, after all, 67. So, he hasn't been Killed By Death.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Is he still singing?

    [edit]...I'm not sure what he does is singing...Is he still performing?

  • EntirelyPossible

    ST, he has 40 more shows to do this year alone. And no, his voice is not beautiful in the traditional sense, but it IS awesome and amazing, if you are into metal. Which I am. In a huge way. He played for about an hour and half today. It was...awesome.

    Like he said in an interview... "I'm too fucking old to find God now, I just gotta keep doing what I've always done."

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I used to love motorhead....saw them in Auckland about twenty (actually, more than twenty) years ago.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Love them still, today, ST. Much like our Lord and Savior, Jesus H. Christ, the voice of Lemmy still is there for us.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    can't say my love has endured, other than for the memories of it all.....I'm fickle like that. I feel the same way about ACDC, Iron Maiden, etc...used to love it all...now I just go...oh...I used to love that...as I suck on my lemon. LOL

    nah...just kidding..I still like some of it...

  • Twitch

    Lemmy is with us all, in spirit.

    Old No. 7. Turn and kneel to Lynchburg at sunrise each day. Or just kneel when and wherever you see fit.

  • elderelite

    No sleep till hammersmith was a classic album

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