Whatever happened to the rumor of Circuit Overseers being dissolved?

by Black Man 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Man
    Black Man
    I remember that was a rumor going around shortly before I left the JWs. Whatever happened with it?
  • scary21
    Didn't it turn out to be DO's ?
  • stillin
    I believe that's correct. DO's are no more
  • under the radar
    under the radar

    The TV series Breaking Bad had a great way of doing that... but isn't that a little drastic? Couldn't they just be reassigned somewhere?

    Or do they know too much?

  • Richard_I
    I believe they are no longer doing this. I was also told while I was at Bethel in the late 2000's that the CO arrangement would be no more and that the GB wanted local elders to serve as mini-COs within cities where they would visit nearby congregations and help them for a week, which was why there were so many elder schools being held at that time so that they could receive the training for this in the United States. However, I never thought they would get rid of DOs, and with the removal of the DO arrangement I am pretty sure you'll never see the COs go away now as they are now the only HQ representative the congregations will see (other than Bethel speakers at one assembly a year or at a regional convention). It seems like once Jaracz & Barr died everything went 180 degrees in the opposite direction.
  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    It makes sense to cut out middle management. This way the GB can keep better control on the R&F members.
  • blondie
    that's right no more DOs....
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    I don't see why they would eliminate the Circuit Overseer position since it's the main way in which headquarters cracks its whip at the elders to keep them in line. Any large hierarchical organization needs a middle management.

    By the way, was there ever such a thing as Branch Overseer or Zone Overseer?

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    I recall the Branch Overseer for Canada was a Ken Little. I am not sure if he is still alive as he has been in that position since the 60's 70's.
  • DesirousOfChange

    The new COs being appointed are "Company Men". No more loving, grandpa like guys who are sincerely worried about the flock. The new boys (all are young, right out of KS School) are all sincerely worried about (1) the assets of the WTS; (2) keeping their cushy jobs where they are supported well by the local Cong & Circuit.


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