Hells Angel dub

by Farkel 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    A Hells Angel studied with the dubs and progressed until he was ready for field service. The local elder decided to accompany him on his first trip in the field. The Hells Angels wannabe dub had bought a suit, white shirt and tie and when he put it on, it covered up all his body ink except that on his neck and the swastikas and skull and crossbones all over his face, and on his hands and wrists.

    They go to the first door and the householder says, "yes? May I help you?" The Hells Angel dub says, "well, we have these here magazines and..." He was interrupted by the householder who said, "I'm sorry. I am just not interested."

    Hells Angel dub then says, "go fuck yourself," and walks away. The elder "counsels" him: "That was not a very Christian or appropriate thing to say to that householder."

    Hells Angel dub replies, "Well, hell, he's going to be killed by God pretty soon, anyway. What's the difference?"

    Elder scratches his head, trying to come up with a believable reply.

    It got hot that day, so the Hells Angel dub, took off his suit jacket and shirt, exposing all his body ink. He placed 40 magazines that day. Twenty householders had the locks changed on their doors.

    I made all this up.


  • TimeBandit

    Nice story Farkel. Did he ever go in service again? If so, did he use his chopper as a service vehicle?

  • Goshawk

    Reminded me of the mafia cappo that was studying. Field service was a series of offers people couldn't refuse.

  • Phizzy

    In Northern Ireland we had a guy who was a former hard man for the Loyalists become a Dub, one guy was very rude to him about his conversion when matey called on him, so matey chased him in to his own house and thumped him !

    If he was being driven through a Republican area by the Bros. , who flaunted their "neutrality", he had to duck right down out of sight in the car.

    Farkel, we love you man, all your stuff gives us a laugh, and a lot to think about, keep it coming !

  • karter

    Did you hear the one about the hells angle that become a JW?

    Comes to your door and tels you to F***K off

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    Farkel Funny one. Almost believeable. Did the Elder join the Hell's Angels.

    Blueblades? MallCop

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